Kurtis the fat fucking dog

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[ Richie ]

"Fuck Bill. Fuck Eddie. Fuck Stanley. Fuck Mike and Ben and especially fuck Beverly... Not like that... Ugh, I fucking hate all those little shits so fucking much. God. At least Y/n wasn't there. She would've beat the shit out of me if-"

A box slide in front of me and I stared at in. The rain was coming down hard now. "Hello?" The box moved again and I got down, grabbing it. Oh fuck. What if it's a trick from Pennywise?

I held my breath and slowly lifted the box up. "Woah!" Inside there was a puppy, shaking and whimpering. "Hey, hey, hey. Come here little guy." I whispered, picking him up. "Come on. I'll take you home." I held the dog under my jacket as I walked home to protect him from the rain.

. . .

"Richie? Is that you?"

"Yeah mom. I'm going to... Shower."

I ran into the bathroom and shut the door. Fuck, can I use regular shampoo and conditioner? Whatever. I turned the water on and set the dog in the bath. It whined and barked. "Shh, shh! Jesus."

There was a knock at the door and I sucked in a breath. "I'm- naked!" I shouted in a panicked manner. "Oh. Should I tell Y/n to wait in your room or the living room?"

Fuck me in the ass.

"My room." I sighed.

. . .

I walked into my room with Kurt under my arm, I found out he was a boy so named him after the best musician to ever exist ever.

I expected Y/n to yell at me but instead she smothered my face with kisses.

"Richie I- is that a dog?"

"His name is Kurt." I held him up for Y/n to see and smiled. "Richie that looks like a chow chow puppy. They get big."

"I don't care. He's my dog. I'm never giving him up."

"RICHIE TOZIER!" I turned around and stared at my mom. "A... Dog." I hugged him to me and shook my head. "This is obviously a cat?"

"A cat?"

"Can I please, please, please keep him! I love him more than anything in the world!"

"I'm right here." Y/n scoffed.

"Well a little less than Y/n but a lot! I swear I'll wipe up his piss-"

"Language." My mom corrected me with a serious tone.

"Sorry, I'll clean up after him and walk him and everything!"

She stared at me and I bit my lip. "Please, please, pleaseeeeeee!"

"Fine! But if he makes a mess on my floor he sleeps outside."

"Yes! Thank you so so much mom! Thank you! Y/n and I are gonna work on our health project together now." I beamed. She hummed and walked away. I shut the door and turned to Y/n. "We're on summer break you fucktard."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now