Crossover :)

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[ Y/n ]

Boris sucked on my neck as I played with his hair. He slid one of his hands down to my thigh, making me look down at him. "Not again." He stared at me and I rolled my eyes, pushing his hand off. The door slammed open and Miles came in. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up out of Boris's bed. "Hey!" Boris shouted.

"Times up!" Miles threw the timer at Boris and dragged me into his room.

For as long as I can remember these two have been fighting over me. When we all moved out and I planned to move in with Miles, Boris came too. Miles shut his bedroom door and pressed me up against it. I kissed him back, reaching down to undo his pants. Tonight isn't like most nights. The twins put on a timer and I get passed back and forth for sex and cuddling.

I'm not complaining though.

Miles and I walked to his bed, Miles kicking his pants off somewhere while that happened. Lana Del Rey overpowered Boris's Russian music. He laid me in bed and took his shirt off, staring at me. Miles ran his fingers over Boris's hickeys and cocked his head to the side.

He leaned down and pressed a light kiss on my lips. "I love you." He whispered. I smiled and just kissed him. I know they want me to choose but how the fuck do I do that? I love both of them so much. "What if I took you away from here?" He asked. I laughed and then looked back at him. "Miles you know Boris will hurt himself."

"I- I don't care. Y/n I'm so fucking in love with you. So fucking in love."

"Your time's going to be up if you don't hurry." I changed the subject.

Miles grabbed my hand and brought it above my head. I closed my eyes as he put himself into me. "Fuck Y/n/n." He muttered, leaning down to kiss my cheek. Once he was fully in he stared at me, holding my hand tightly. I nodded and he used his free hand to grab one of my thighs. Honestly I like Miles's sex more.

As good as Boris's is, he's very rough. Not that I hate that though, if they were scored out of ten Miles is a 10 and Boris is a 9.9.

He kissed my nose and slowly thrust himself in me. "You're mine, right? You just let Boris think you're his because you don't want him to kill himself, right?"

I stayed quiet and Miles slammed into me. "Ugh- Ah!" I cried, gripping his hand. "Answer me. Do you really have feelings for Boris?"

"Y-yes Miles. I do. That's why I can't fucking decide between the two of you. Because I'm in love with both of you."

He sighed and started to speed up. Miles picked me up and carried me over to his bathroom. "What're you-" Miles stepped into his shower and turned it on. I gasped as the cold water hit my skin. Miles didn't seem to fazed by it. I leaned into his warm touch and he kissed the top of my head. Miles continued his fast pace but was hitting new angles.

I whined and pulled at his hair. The cold water plus this new spot (whatever it is) is going to make me break. "I'm gonna cum."


I closed my eyes and laid my head on his shoulder. "You're fucking tight." He whined. "Miles..." I moaned. He pressed light kissed all along my shoulder as he got closer to his own orgasm. "I can feel your cum dripping down my dick." He whispered in my ear. "I-I'm-" "Cute. You're so fucking cute."

Miles left some hickeys on my neck, covering some of Boris's. "You're mine. You know that. You've always been mine and you'll always be mine." He whispered. "I can give you a life of luxury and love. Boris can hardly give you attention because he's a fucking addict. That's all he'll ever be."

"You're an alcoholic."

Miles gripped my waist and he moaned lowly as he came. We both held each other tightly as the cold water rained over us and our orgasms relived us. He set me down and I grabbed his hand for a moment while I got my balance. "I'm not an alcoholic." He said defensively. I got out of the shower and put a towel on. Miles followed me and I walked into is room.

I opened his closet and vodka and whiskey bottles came rolling out. "Hiding it doesn't mean it's not a problem." I whispered harshly. Boris walked in with the timer and stopped. "I'm done for the night." I muttered as I walked out of the room. I walked into my room and looked at myself in the mirror. My neck was covered in hickeys, my mascara had run all the way down my face, my lipstick was probably smudged hours ago, I had bruises from their grips in some places.

Boris and Miles are the only true friends I've had my entire life. I don't want to choose either of them. I'll loose the other.

I really don't want to loose either of them.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now