Nunc Sancte nobis animam

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Translations at the bottom
Latin is a stupid fucking language. Fuck Latin.
Yes there will be like two more parts to this.

[ Y/n ]

My legs carried me in a hurried manor across the school grounds, I just needed to get back to the dorms. He can't hurt me there. Please someone, anyone, save me from him. Give me some sort of strength.

My tears were hot as they ran over my checks, down my neck, and onto my cleavage. I could see the gates to the dorms, I was so close. I slipped back through the bars, just as I had to get out. My nightgown got caught and I struggled to get it free. I sobbed loudly, tugging on it. It came free with a loud tear and I ran for the doors.

I ran up the stairs, all the way to the third floor. I continued to run to my room, jamming my key into the door. It clicked open and I slid inside. I slammed the door, locking it. I panted heavily, crying to myself.



I ran into her arms and hugged her. She ran her fingers delicately over my hair. "What's wrong?" I shook my head and clutched the silk fabric of her tank top between my fingers. She led me to the bathroom and started the water. "Cover the mirrors... Please." Lily nodded and grabbed our extra towels out of the cabinets. I watched as the water filled up and held my crucifix that was around my neck.

The necklace had been given to me by Lily when we first became roommates, it means the world to me.

I stopped the water and stood up. "I'm going to get in." Lily nodded and I shut the door. I undressed myself, I would burn this dress tomorrow.

I stepped into the tub and sat down. The hot water stung my skin at first, especially the scratches I had obtained. I submerged myself in the water and closed my eyes.

I was just collecting flowers.

I held the roses in my hands. They were white so they looked lovely in our room. We weren't allowed to come this far away from campus though. So I had to come at night.  I noticed a fire going and my curiosity got the best of me. I walked over, holding my roses to my chest. I peeked out from behind a bush and looked at the scene.

The quiet kid... I watched as he cut his palm then closed his hand. He let the blood drip into the dirt. I looked down and noticed a pentagram drawn. He held up two fingers and started talking in Latin. I stared in awe as the fire gradually got bigger as he spoke. "Ow!" I looked down at my hands and noticed that my roses were now a deep, inky, red.

I dropped them but a few stuck to my palms. Their thorns were really jammed into me. I couldn't feel anything though, I just ripped them out and started running. I looked behind me and saw Miles. He was walking behind me, scaring me. He's scaring me so badly...

I sat up and gasped for air. Lily barged into the bathroom and I covered my chest. "Are you okay?" I shrugged, coughing up some water. "Oh my god... Your throat!"

I brought my hands up to my throat and stared at her. "Y-you have handprints on your th-throat!"

My eyes went wide and I stood up. I grabbed a towel and wrapped myself in it. I turned and the water was completely bloody. I stared at it for a moment before reaching in to pull the plug. I quickly yanked my hand back out, afraid someone would grab it if I were too slow. I looked back at Lily and she stared at me fearfully.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now