𝘊𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴 2

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Kinda requested lol

[ Y/n ]

B and I had fallen asleep together after our lengthy sex. He was hugging me while I had my hands on his chest.

He's so warm... He's so nice... I feel so safe.

Except my claim mark is still bleeding.

I wiggled out of his grasp and put on some clothes. It was just some booty shorts and a loose top. We were all pretty comfortable here so I didn't really care for undergarments right now.

I walked downstairs to find Io, the pack doctor. Io and I are pretty close. I love space so the fact that he's named after one of Jupiter's moons makes me so happy.

He had a little 'office' which was just a room with a shit ton of medical supplies. I knocked on the door and peeked my head in. No one was in here.

I walked out and over to the kitchen. A few of the pack members were standing around. Really just the males. "Io, I need you to clean something up for me..." he looked up and nodded, pulling out his pocket med kit.

I sat down on the counter and let my shirt fall down my shoulder. "Holy shit Y/n!" I looked around frantically as Io turned around and covered his eyes. "What?!"

"You can't come ask me to clean a claim mark without your mate! He'll rip my fucking throat out!" I crossed my arms and pouted. "That's dumb, I'm an independent-" "Female. You're a she-wolf who's been recently claimed. Your mate is going to be fucking protective over you for the next week!" He stopped talking and leaned closer to me.

"Oh fuck. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. You smell like-" "Me." We all looked over to the doorway. B stood there wearing a pair of sweatpants.

"Come here bunny." I hopped off the counter and scurried to him. B wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "I know she approached you and I'll let this slide because you told her she couldn't do that... Next time you're that close to my mate while I'm not here, I'll tear you to pieces. Now, come clean her up."

Io nodded and rushed us to his 'office.' He sat me down and pulled the hoodie off my shoulder a little. "What's your role anyways B?"

"B's the pack alpha." Io responded. "I used to be the delta." B mumbled. "Yeah, until Marco ran into that-"

"That's enough. I warned him not to do it and he did. Now, I don't want my precious Y/n having nightmares." I sat confused, still in awe that B was the pack alpha and I didn't know.

I don't really remember the night I changed. "Ouch!" I hissed, pulling away. "Sorry!" Io pulled away. B grabbed my hand and rubbed my knuckles soothingly.

"It's okay my love, it'll all feel better soon." I nodded and Io continued to clean the bite mark. "Fuck B. Did this hurt Y/n?"

I nodded and glanced over at B. He gave me a little glance and smiled before glaring back at Io. "Do you have to get that close to her tits?"

Io pulled his hand away and sighed. "B, if you don't want me touching her. You do it. I wasn't even close to touching her boobs."

B sighed and slumped down a little. "Exactly." Io went back to dabbing at the bite mark. After a moment or two, he put a gauze over the wound.

"Alright, if it bleeds through this, come back. If it starts to burn in any way, come back. Okay?" I nodded and thanked him.

I went to give him a hug, as I usually did. He stepped back and I sighed. "No more hugs." He mumbled.

I frowned and B lightly pat my head.

At dinner time, we all sat around the table as normal. "Everyone, Bobert has something to announce." Io announced. We all looked up and B moved his hand off of my thigh.

"Uh... Yeah. I've claimed my mate." He said normally. I smiled and looked around. "Who?" All of the other female pack members seemed on edge.

"Y/n." He reached over and pulled my shirt down a little. He then pulled the gauze down to show off the bite mark.

"You chose her because she was in heat and you could slip your dick into her." One of the girls argued.

"Hey! The fuck is that supposed to mean? You have no idea how I feel." I lightly tapped his knee to get him to calm down.

He sighed and continued to eat quietly. The table was silent until the end of dinner.

B and I got up, going up to his room. I've never been in his room but it was much nicer than mine. He had at least a queen sized bed, a bathroom, a tv, and large dressers.

"Half of this is empty so feel free to use anything as you'd please." I smiled and jumped onto his bed. "Come cuddle me!" I whined, reaching for him.

"Princess if I get in bed I won't get out and we still need to shower." I sighed and sat up. "Fine."

He sighed and sat on his bed. "Come here." He pat his lap and I rushed over. He sighed and wrapped me in a hug. "You came at the perfect time little bunny.."

I smiled and lightly kissed his neck. "You're welcome."

He nodded and laughed. "I want to shower." He grumbled, resting his head on top of mine. "I don't know... I'm not in heat so I'm kinda self conscious."

He pulled away and grabbed my cheeks. "You're fucking sexy." He mumbled, kissing my face. I laughed and looked at him awkwardly.

"Wait, you don't think we're only fucking while you're in heat right?" I awkwardly laughed and bit my lip.

"Oh no... Oh no, Princess. You can't be serious." I laughed and pushed his chest. "Stooop! I've never been touched by a guy... Except you."

He sighed and rubbed my thighs. "Don't worry... I- I was a virgin too." He started to blush and I kissed his cheek.

"You're kinda cute sometimes." I whispered in his ear. "That's it." He picked me up and carried to the bathroom, kissing my neck.

Twice in one day.


𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now