Just like you

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Smut :))

[ Y/n ]

I stood in the cold kitchen, getting some water. A figure appeared behind me in the reflection on the window, making me turn. Bobert walked over and took the cup from me, drinking the rest. "I'm still thirsty." I said, snatching the cup and filling it up again. Bobert sighed and watched as I chugged this one down, leaving a little less than half.

When I set the glass down, he approached me. I fell onto his chest out of instinct, hugging his thin waist. He hugged me back and pressed warm kisses on my head. All of the sudden he spun me around, lying me across the counter. He pulled my underwear down and I watched as he wet his fingers with the water left in the glass.

He brought them down to my heat, running his fingers over the skin delicately. I bit my lip to keep me quiet but still whined a little at the contact. He bent down next to my ear, making me glance over at him. "May I?" I nodded and he stood back up. I waited a moment before he slowly pushed his length into me.

I gasped and he placed a hand on the back of my throat. Not gripping it, just placing it there for support. "Gotta be a quickie." He muttered before starting to move. I laid my forehead down on the counter as I tired to contain my moans. He brought his freehand around my hips to rub my clit. I gasped and he kissed my shoulders.

"Oh god..." I whispered. He laughed a little and sped up. "Isn't this erotic baby?" He whispered. "You said you wanted erotic sex. So how is it?" He pushed when I didn't answer. "Good... It's good my love." I replied. He left a sloppy kiss on my neck and stood back up. I muttered quiet curse words to myself as he sped up.

His dick filled every inch of me, hitting every spot just right. He moved his hand from my neck down to my ass. "Don't spank me." I whispered. It would be too loud. His hand slapped my ass and I looked back at him. He winked at me and then pulled me up straight. My head landed on his shoulder. I stared up at the ceiling while his lips caressed my neck.

"Please..." I whispered. "Please what?" He asked, his hands sliding under my shirt to grip my boobs. "Please... Bite me." He smiled and kissed down my neck for a moment before bringing one of his hands out of my shirt to cover my mouth. His thrusts hadn't ceased but they had slowed and become more forceful and deep. He placed his hand over my mouth and lightly kissed my shoulder once before harshly biting me.

I gasped and one of my hands went up to his head. I gripped his hair, pushing him down. Tears slid down my cheeks as he bit me harder. I felt myself cum all over him and tapped his head, signaling him to pull off. He did and kissed my cheek. He took his hand away and slid it back under my shirt. "Are you okay?" He whispered.

I nodded and looked over at him. "Do you need me to stop?" He asked with concern lacing his words. "No, no. Please don't stop." I whispered. He smiled and kissed me. We heard someone take a drink of water and both turned our heads. One of the other mates pup stood there, staring at us. Luckily Bobert hadn't taken his pants off, he just pulled his erection out. The kid waved at us and we waved back.

He gulped down the glass and set it down. "My mom says she wants me to be like you so what are you doing? So I can be just like you." Bobert ceased his thrusting and laughed awkwardly. "We're hugging. Obviously. Just make sure you love our mate well. And listen to them. Right Y/n?" He slid one of his hands down to my clit, rubbing on it again.

"Y-yes. Exactly." I whimpered. The kid nodded and beamed. "You're really cool Bobert, did you know that?" I rolled my eyes as Bobert started to forget about where his dick was. "I didn't. What makes you say that?"

"You're the best hunter, the best mate, the best dad-"

"Woah, woah, woah. I'm not the best dad. Trust me."

"Well Victor brags that you are."

"Who?" Bobert joked. I lightly slapped his shoulder and he smiled, kissing my head. "And Y/n you're the prettiest girl here." I chuckled and shook my head. "No, your mommy is much prettier than me." I have no idea who's kid this is. Bobert and the kid exchanged and unsure glance and I shook my head. "It doesn't matter how pretty I am. It matters how useful I am."

"And she is very useful." Bobert said slyly, thrusting subtly. I turned my head back forward, trying not to moan. "Alright, go to bed so you can play lots tomorrow." Bobert urged. The kid's feet padded away and Bobert turned back to me. He moved his hands up to my shoulders and started slamming his dick into me.

"Fuck B..." I whispered. He kissed my cheek and rested his head against mine. I whined as he started to get sloppy. He hit all different spots with each thrust. "I'm gonna cum." He whispered. "I'm not having any more kids." I whispered back. He pulled out and came on my ass while he fingered me. It didn't take long for me to become undone, making a mess in his hand.

"Two times? Needy, needy, needy." He taunted. I rolled my eyes and cleaned myself up. He filled up my glass with water and offered it to me. I thanked him, taking it and drinking it. He took it after and filled it again, and drinking it.

I pulled my underwear on and turned to him. We both smiled at each other for a moment before I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him. He picked me up and set me down on the counter. Bobert stood between my legs, kissing me as I ran my hands through his messy curls. He went down to suck on where he'd bit me. I groaned, my eye shut and my head leaning back. I opened them and gasped. Bobert looked up at me, then turned around.

"Shit!" He whispered. We both stared at the group of kids standing in the kitchen.

"We came to learn how to be just like you!"

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now