𝘕𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘨

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[ Y/n ]
Aged up: 21 —

I rubbed my eyes, the computer light hurting them. I wanted to just be at home with Richie and Nugget but I had to stay a few hours later.

My phone rang and I picked it up, praying it was Richie. "Hi, is this Mrs. Tozier?" I spun around in my chair, telling her that it was.

"Awesome. I just wanted to tell you that there was an unusual purchase made on your husband's card and I wanted to make sure everything was alright."

I turned back around and grabbed the picture of Richie, knowing he'd done something stupid. "I'm sure everything is fine. I'm about to get off work so I'll go talk to him then let you know if anything is wrong."

"Alright, have a good rest of your night." The woman hung up and I sighed, setting my phone down.


I got home and called for Richie. He and Nugget came running downstairs, racing. Richie got to me first and smothered me in kisses.

I smiled and sighed.

"What did you do?" I whispered, pulling away. Richie nervously pushed his glasses up his nose, looking at me. "Well, I worked on some new material-"

"Richie, why did the bank call me?"

Richie sighed and bit his lip. "Okay fine! You're going to love it though, I swear! Just sit on the couch and wait. Come on Nuggs!"

Richie and Nugget went back upstairs and I went to the living room. I sat on the couch and thought of everything it could be.

After five minutes, Richie came downstairs. Nugget ran into the room and sat down in front of me.

Nugget was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, similar to one Richie owned. "Richie..?" I whispered, rubbing Nuggets head for a moment.

"Yeah?" He asked, picking the dog up. "How much did that cost?" I asked. "Well... They're custom so $100 each."

My jaw dropped as I stared at him. "How many did you buy 'Chee?!"

He fiddled with his fingers and shrugged. "Seven..." my jaw dropped and I stared at him. "Seven?" Richie laughed and pushed his glasses up again.

"Richie..." I whined, rubbing my eyes. "I swear baby, it'll be fine. I got a gig at a popular club so you go and enjoy yourself and I'll make the money back or something. It'll be fine."

I sighed and he walked over, sitting in my lap. He hugged me, kissing my head. "Richie... You can't spend $700 without talking to me first."

Richie nodded and sighed. "So... Can we have a fashion show?" He asked hopefully. I smiled and nodded, "Sure. Why not."

Here's how I imagine Nugget:

Richie seems like a Chow guy

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Richie seems like a Chow guy

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now