𝘕𝘰 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘨𝘢𝘯𝘨

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[ Y/n ]

B played with my hair as we laid in the dark together, trying to sleep. I knew he wouldn't sleep unless I was asleep but I wasn't tired at all.

"B, I have some questions." I broke the peaceful silence. "I have answers." He responded shortly after.

"Do you love me?" I started.
"Yes, of course I love you bunny."

"What if I was in love with another pack member?"
"Are you?"
"No way."
"Exactly, so don't worry about what would happen."

"Will you protect me?"

"Can you hold my hand?" B grabbed my small hand in his large one, rubbing his thumb over my skin.

"B, can I get more stuffed animals tomorrow?"
"Baby, you have enough."
"I never have enough. Please, Daddy!"
"Fine, only two."

"B, if I died, how sad would you be?"
"Jesus bub, what's up with these sad questions? I would be devastatingly sad."

"Can we watch porn together?"
"Do you watch it alone?"
"No, dear." 

"Do you touch yourself when I'm not around?"
"To the thought of you."
"Awe, that's so cute Daddy!"

"That's enough, lets go to sleep." I shook my head and sat up. B went to grab me but I jumped out of bed.

I ran to the door and held my hand on the handle. B stood up slowly, obviously not really in the mood for my bullshit.

"You look so hot in grey sweatpants."
"Don't you dare leave this room Bunny."

I opened the door and ran downstairs. Some of the pack members were in the kitchen, playing cards at the table. I dove underneath them, knowing the longer I stayed out of the room the harder my punishment would be.

B walked into the room and over to the table, I knew my packmates would snitch on me to him so I crawled out from under the far side of the table.

B made his way around the table and I crawled around the other way, avoiding him. He bent down and I stood up, running out of the kitchen.

I ran into Io's office, desperately searching for somewhere to hide. I hid in his supply closet, giggling to myself.

B came into the room and I quieted down. "Babycakes where are you?" He pouted, looking around the room.

I snickered as he left, slowly exiting the supply closet. I crept out of the room but was grabbed and lifted off the ground. I squealed and laughed as B kissed my neck.

"You're in so much trouble you naughty, naughty, girl." He whispered, nibbling on my ear. B set me down and grabbed my hand. He started back to our room but I stood in place.

He froze and turned back to me. "What?" I whined and rubbed my eyes. "I'm tired." I pouted, holding my arms out to him. B kissed my palms and then picked me up.

I laid my head on his shoulder, quietly humming a song I liked to myself. B carried me back upstairs to our room.

He set me down on our bed and started kissing down my body. "No Daddy, I'm too tired." I argued, crawling under the covers.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now