The way he is

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[ Y/n ]

Boris and I laid together in his bed, watching a movie. There wasn't much to do since Boris's dad was home and it was pouring outside. I'd never really met his dad. Not while he was sober at least.

Boris always says the same things about his dad.

"He loves me very much. I just provoke him, no?"

I don't know how I really feel about him though. He's not giving Boris the life he really deserves and that kind of pisses me off. Boris lightly kissed my head and hugged me closer to him. I had my hand in his hair, playing with it mindlessly. I love Boris's hair. It might be my favorite physical thing about him... After some other parts of course.

Boris hummed and grabbed his notebook. Boris is extremely smart, despite common belief. The reason they assume he's dumb is because he isn't fluent in English.

Boris wrote some stuff down in Russian and tossed the notebook back onto the floor. "Look."

He grabbed the chessboard from the ground and put it in his lap, pushing me off to make room. I watched as he set it up to our last chess game. If Boris and I played professionally we would be grandmasters and we're only 16. But Boris doesn't want to because he doesn't want to 'be a nerd.'

"Your queen move here. G3. That is what made me in mate. But look. Back 3 moves. I could have put bishop here, then rook there, and lastly move my king back to E8... I could have put you in mate."

I studied the board for a second before humming. "Not if I did this." I moved my rook over to put him in check. "Now you have to run." Boris signed and bit his nail. "Okay, then I move queen to take rook and now you are really in mate."

I nodded and looked up at him. "I thought you'd take that bait and move your knight."

"Well I'm not new to the game." He teased.

We both laughed and started to set up the board. "Alright who plays white?"

"I played black last time so me." Boris turned the board and stood the pieces that fell back up. "Alright... What do you want to play? Bughouse, king of the hill, speed chess?" I asked, already knowing what he wanted.

"Speed chess." We both said at the same time. I nodded and sighed. "No more than ten seconds per move or the other opponent wins by a stall."

Boris nodded and took a deep breath. He then moved his first pawn, starting the game.

. . .

Halfway through and we were still going. All of the sudden the door opened. "Pause." Boris muttered. He sat up and turned to look at his dad.

"Любимая девушка?" His dad asked, giving me a small grin. "Дa." His dad nodded then looked down at the chessboard. "I... Have not... Looked at in such a... While. Many, many years..." I assumed he was talking about the chess board and nodded. "Please, continue." He sat on the edge of Boris's bed and Boris looked back at me.

I nodded and he gave a small nod back. Boris moved his rook over to take one of my "defending" pawns. In return I used a dormant pawns that he'd forgotten about to take the rook. He groaned in frustration because I'd forced his queen out. We both moved quickly, the rush was a high in itself. "Check." I said. Boris studied the board before remembering the time limit.

In a rushed manor, he moved his king right into the path of my bishop. Unfortunately, there was also my rook, queen, and pawn tormenting the move. "Mate." I whispered.

Boris puffed out a breath and knocked his king over. We shook hands and I looked back at his dad. "Это была очень быстрая игра. Почему бы не подумать о ходах?"

"Мы делаем. Это скоростные шахматы. Если мы потратим больше 10 секунд, мы проиграем. Ты быстро думаешь."

His father nodded and looked at me. He smiled and stuck out his hand for me to shake. I took it and he nodded. "Good game." He stumbled over the short sentence. "Thank you." I replied.

Boris's dad got up and stumbled out of the room. I looked back at Boris who was resetting the board. "I love him. He is a very good dad." Boris sighed. I hummed and nodded, not going to comment on literally everything incorrect about that.

Boris forgives his dad for neglecting him. Every time. Though it's hard for me to hear about, seeing how happy Boris was that his dad watched him play made me happy. I just wish his dad weren't... The way his is.

. . .

Любимая девушка? — Girlfriend?
Дa. — Yes.
Это была очень быстрая игра. Почему бы не подумать о ходах? — That was a fast game. Why not think through the moves?
Мы делаем. Это скоростные шахматы. Если мы потратим больше 10 секунд, мы проиграем. Ты быстро думаешь. — We do. This is speed chess. If we spend more than 10 seconds, we will lose. You think quickly.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now