104: Stray Kids: Minsung

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My stomach churned at what my mother's boss's son had said. Minho weakly grabbed my hand underneath the table, clearly upset.

"So do you have a girlfriend, Jisung?"

"Uh, no sir. Minho is actually my boyfriend."

"I knew it, fucking f*ggots," his son muttered.

I look toward my parents, their eyes wide with shock. Surely, his son had more respect than that. I stood from my seat, leaning over the table and glaring into the boy's eyes.

"How dare you say that to us," I growl, "but it makes sense. Never following in daddy's footsteps. Always being a rebel. Going against everything your father actually believes in. He may not speak well to the people, but your father has more respect for people 'like me' than most. I don't know who the hell you think you are, coming into my family's home and insulting people at the dinner table for who they love when you can barely keep your own girlfriend. I cannot believe your father has to put up with your snobby, irresponsible, and disrespectful ass," I hiss venomously, sitting back down and sipping my water to cool off.

"Jisung," my mom whispers sharply, but her boss holds up his hand.

"He's right. My apologies for my rude son. Jisung, I am deeply sorry for assuming your sexuality. I think it's best if we leave. Mayli, let's go through with the deal tomorrow. I owe it to your family."

My family just sits there in surprise, not knowing what to do.

Then my mom stands, my dad following behind. "Thank you, sir. We'll see you out."

Once they left, I turn to Minho, grasping his chin to make him look at me, "are you okay?"

"Y-yeah," he stutters, overwhelmed with raw emotions. "Are you?"

I smile, nodding, "I've never felt better, yelling at a straight, close-minded male. Let's finish eating, yeah? I didn't invite you over to dinner for nothing."

He sighs happily, turning back to his food and continuing to eat. I would never, ever let anyone disrespect my boyfriend and I.

How was this?
I just finished my chemistry test (easy, but the teacher threw a lot of things in there that made no sense and wasn't very clear on directions :/). Throughout the entire test, School Life by SKZ kept playing lmao. It's almost like every time I'm in school, at least once a day, that song pops in my head. I love it lol•

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