27: Stray Kids: Minsung

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Jisung's POV:

"Sung, you coming? It's already three in the morning," Chan questions, popping into the studio I was in.

I sighed and shook my head, wanting to get these lyrics written by today. He looked at me with worry, knowing lately that I had been staying a lot later than I should have been.

"It won't take long, I promise. Go home, you need sleep," I respond, writing down a few more words before scribbling out the last one.

"So do you. Changbin is waiting, come on," he begs, taking a few steps inside the room.

"Chris please, I'm trying to work. I'll be half an hour at the most. Just go. It's fine," I insist, letting the pen roam around the paper.

"Okay... text me when you're on your way back then. Be safe," he says before walking out and shutting the door.

- two hours later -

My eyes droop as I continue to write, not sure what I'm jotting down anymore. I rest my head on that my arm that was set on the table. A knock on the door makes me jump wide awake.

"Come in," I call out, looking down at the multiple papers on the table in front of me.

"Baby, it's five. You were supposed to come home with Chan two hours ago. Let's go," he grasps my upper arm, looking over my shoulder to see what I had written.

"No, I'm not done," I mumble, picking up my pen that had rolled out of my hand.

"You are now," he takes the pen out of my hand and pulls me up, only to have me fall into him.

"No, Min, I have to finish," I whine, trying to sit back down.

"You need sleep. Don't argue with me or else you're going to get it when we get back," he raises his voice, showing me how serious he was.

"Mm," I groan out, my eyelids falling closed as he pulled me away from the desk.

I breathe softly against his chest before feeling his hands on my waist. He lifts me up and I wrap my arms around his neck while my legs go around his torso.

He picks up my papers and puts them in the folder, tucking it in my bag before pulling it on. He holds me up by putting his hands under my thighs and soon, we're in the elevator heading down.

"I don't know why you stay so late," he begins, "I get that you need to work on lyrics, but in order to do that, you need to take care of yourself too. If you're not going to listen to me, I'm personally going to make you a damn bedtime."

"Whatever Minho," Jisung mutters, his face buried into Minho's neck.


Once they make it back to the dorms, Minho carries his secret boyfriend to his room. The other boys were still fast asleep.

Jisung had already fallen asleep on the walk home. He was heavy, but Minho didn't dare wake him. He was pretty upset at the fact that his boyfriend was overworking himself again. It'd happened once before, but Chan and Changbin stopped it before it got bad. This time, Jisung was more forceful, lying a bit so he could get away with it.

"Dumb squirrel," Minho murmurs to himself, bending over to lay Jisung gently on the bed.

"Mean hoe," Jisung responds back, not fully awake.

"Shh, go to sleep," Minho answers, not meaning to have woken up Jisung.

"C'mere," Jisung makes grabby hands making Minho roll his eyes and climb into the bed after taking off his and Jisung's shoes.

"Night night, Min Min."

"Goodnight, Sungie."

•How was this?•

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