109: Stray Kids: Seungmin Pt. 2

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Based off of chapter 57: Seungmin, but Jisung's POV. I suggest rereading Seungmin's POV before this. Enjoy :)


"It's okay, Seung, try again," I say, trying to ease him. He was struggling, I could tell.

In a split second, everything fell apart.

He clenched his eyes shut, the headphones falling off his head after he covered his ears. His chest didn't move once. He was holding it.

Next thing I knew, Jeongin was in there, then Changbin, then Hyunjin. They all were trying to see if he was okay, but it wasn't helping. It was making it worse.

I collect myself, throwing my own headphones onto the desk. "Guys! Move, move!" I shove them back, not meaning to be so rude. They all backed up, watching me as I crouched next to him, placing a single hand on his hot-tempered cheek.

It took a minute, but he released the breath he was holding. His tense body relaxed, falling slowly to a more comfortable position. I swiped my thumb against his skin, trying to bring him back to us.

His eyes flutter open, meeting mine. I try to give a comforting smile, not sure how I could help better.

"Are you okay?" I ask, moving my awkwardly placed hand to his knee that was pressed against his chest. My eyes darted around him, watching for anymore signs of another possible attack.

He nods, closing his eyes again. His ears were red, full of embarrassment. If only he knew how much I could empathize with him.

"Can you give us a minute guys?" I turn back to them. I make eye contact with Chan, nodding and letting him know I could handle it.

They all share worried glances with one another, not understanding what had happened. I wouldn't understand it either if I hadn't experienced it myself.

After they're gone and the door is shut, I turn back to Seungmin, noticing that his eyes were open again.

"What happened?" I question.

He shrugs, his face blooming bright red. Small tears were building in his eyes, but I didn't mention it.

"Were you overwhelmed because you get the note how you wanted?" I continue to rub his knee, trying my best to comfort him. I wasn't sure how much of it was working.

He nods, the small underline of tears building again. I soften even more, a small pout pulling on my lips. "You can cry, Seungmin, I'm here. It's okay. I know how you feel; I used to get panic attacks back when it was just Chan, Changbin, and I. I always worried that I wasn't good enough, even when I was so confident on the outside."

Tears built, and they weren't going away in his eyes. He quickly got onto his knees, pulling me into a tight embrace.

"S-sorry," he stutters out. His voice wavered, letting me know that he was now fully crying.

"It's okay," I whisper, "we all feel a little overwhelmed sometimes."

We stay like that for a few minutes. I wait patiently for him to calm down, worried that something would send him into a spiral again. He initiates the end of the hug, releasing me and playing with his fingers.

"Th-thanks. I didn't know you could be so gentle. I-I didn't know you've had panic attacks before."

I shake my head, sighing, "I don't like telling you guys that stuff. Chan and Changbin are really the only two who've been there before and once with Minho. I'm glad I could be there for you, though. Come to me anytime you feel like that, okay?"

He nods, "I will."

I pat his head, an empathetic smile falling onto my face. "Do you want to try recording with the others out of the room? It might help because I know you're embarrassed about it."

"Yeah, I think we should do that."

"Alright, just take a deep breath. Your water is there if you need it," I remind him before helping him off the ground. Man, someone needed to vacuum. I go to the recording block, watching as he put on the recently fallen headphones.

"Whenever you're ready," I grin, sending an awkward thumbs up, supportive nonetheless.

How was this?•

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