119: Stray Kids: Chanseunglix [Platonic]

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Seungmin types in the code to their dorm, assuming everyone else was gone. It was a break day, and he had just gotten back from the cafe. Changbin said Felix might be back home, but he wasn't sure of the younger's plans.

Opening the door, the smell of burning slaps him across the face. He rushes inside, going to the kitchen and noticing the oven light on. It smelled of burnt cookies.

Felix must be home, Seungmin thought, but why would he leave his treats to burn?

Turning off the oven, he ignores the cookie tray and heads off to find the owner of the mess.

"Felix? Are you here?" He calls down the hall. Quietly, he walks down, seeing every door open besides the bathroom. Knocking, he speaks up again. "Lix? Are you in there?"

"Y-yeah." The elder sounded... weak? He sounded upset, like he'd been crying.

"Are you okay? Let me in." Seungmin tries the doorknob, but it's locked.

"Go away."

"No, Felix. What's the matter? You almost burned down the dorms because you left your cookies in the oven." He tried to be more stern, but it failed. He was too soft for Felix.

He didn't receive a response, only hearing heavy breathing.

"Felix, please, let me in. What happened?"

"I said go away!" His voice cracked at the end, leaving him to frown.

Sighing, the younger walked away to call Chan. He wasn't sure what to do. Felix, the always happy-go-lucky friend, was upset. He didn't know how to help.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I think Felix is crying in the bathroom. He won't let me in. I don't know what to do."

"Shit... um... I'll be home in ten minutes, okay? Just stay with him and make sure he's not doing anything to hurt himself."


Seungmin walks back to the locked door, sitting on the floor next to it. He didn't try to talk to him, he only listened to the small noises escaping through the holes in the door.

Eight minutes fly by and Chan is hurrying to open the door. "Seungmin! I'm here."

The younger jumps up, waiting for Chan to come see him. When he does, he just gives him a look. "I think he's sick. I heard gagging."

"Oh gosh... Felix? It's Chan. Unlock the door for me, little one."

"Please, leave me alone, Channie."

His voice sounded softer, weaker even. Seungmin was afraid he'd pass out and they'd be left wondering what the hell to do.

"I can't do that, lovely. You need to let us in so we can help you. Are you sick?"

They didn't get a response, making worry build in their stomachs.



"Seungmin, stand back. Felix," he calls, "if you're awake, stand away from the door."

Chan backs up, ready to break the door down, but then they suddenly hear a small click. They don't skip a beat when opening it.

"Oh, Felix," Seungmin cries, dropping to his knees and picking up Felix's pale-white head. He was sweating profusely, unconscious. The only color on his face was a slight redness from a fever. His breathing was shallow, too weak to raise his chest to full capacity.

"I'll call an ambulance. Call the rest of the guys to come home and then the manager."


"He's dehydrated. Overworked himself too much, didn't drink enough water, and was already taking on a fever to begin with. His fluids are dangerously low, so we'll have him on an IV for a few hours. He won't need to be here much longer than that."

The manager nods, Chan standing next to him with his head hanging low. He should've checked on him. He should've called him. He couldn't stop thinking about it.

"You can go in and see him now."

Chan and Seungmin open the door, letting the manager settle everyone else down. The two watch as Felix's head perks up a bit, his eyelids peeling open slowly.

"Hey Lixie," Seungmin says, pulling up a chair next to the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Like a burnt, dry cookie."

Chan laughs quietly, shaking his head and crossing his arms. "You're just lucky you made it to the door or else we'd have someone fixing it right now."

"Why didn't you let me in when I asked?" Seungmin questions, setting his hand on Felix's thigh.

"I didn't want you to see me like that... like this. So pale and... sick. I thought it'd pass after a bit, but it didn't. And then Chan came and made it worse because, I guess, I was embarrassed."

"Embarrassed of what, little one?"

"I don't know," he shrugs, "just not taking care of myself like I should've."

The two look at each other and sigh. "You don't have to be embarrassed when you get sick, Lix. It happens. And we want to be there and take care of you. What would've happened if we weren't home for another hour? You would've passed out and it could've been worse than it is now. You need to think of these things. We don't want you getting hurt. We're your family."

"I know," Felix looks down at his trembling fingers. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"Good," Seungmin smiles, leaning over to hug him. "It better not, or else I'll break down that door myself."

How was this?•

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