59: Stray Kids: Minsung

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I turn up the volume on my speaker. Sweet notes of Magic Shop by BTS played. I had the lyrics pulled up on my phone; I suck at remembering lyrics. I remember beats.

I sit cross-legged on my bed, bouncing my foot to the tune. My voice immediately picks up the song. My eyes close unconsciously, getting into the music.

When the song finishes, I clap my hands, doing a quick 'WOO' in satisfaction. I begin to select another song, stuck between Day6's How To Love and Ateez's Twilight. My ringtone cuts me off, a message from Hyunjin popping up.

- - - - -

Texting Hyunnie 👑

Hyunnie 👑
yo bitch
have you talked
to min today

he messaged me
good morning but that's
doesn't he have work today?
it's sunday
why do you need him?

Hyunnie 👑
i was asking where
he was because
he didn't show up
to work today at all.
i thought he might've
been at yours and
forgot he picked up
hours today

he left my place
yesterday afternoon.
that's really weird.
i'll try calling him.

Hyunnie 👑
let me know plz

will do

- - - - -

Calling Sunshine ☀️💕




"Hey baby, are you okay?"

"Mhm, why?"

I didn't believe him. His voice was shaky and strained. It was like he'd been crying.

"Don't lie to me. We've talked about this. Hyunjin messaged me and told me that you didn't show up to work today. What's wrong?"

"...nothing, Sungie." His voice was timid. "I promise. Just a rough night. I'll message him now. Thanks."

- - - - -

"What the fuck?" I stare down at my phone. He hung up on me. He's never done that before. Maybe he needs space. Maybe I'm being a bit too pushy.

- - - - -

Texting Sunshine ☀️💕

sunshine, if you need
me, i'm here.
i don't want to be
too pushy so i'll
leave you alone.
i love you
you can tell me anything.
read 10:03pm

- - - - -

I waited for his response for ten minutes, but a message never came in. Worry seeped into my heart, my hands itching to call again.

Just leave him alone, Jisung. He seems like he needs it right now. If he wanted you, he would have asked for you to come over. Don't overthink it. He's okay.

I sigh to myself, messaging Hyunjin that Minho just had a rough night and such.

I turn off my speaker, getting ready for bed. I felt tired with worry. I just hoped tomorrow he'd explain everything a bit more.

If it's a topic he doesn't want to talk about, I won't push him. I'm just worried. What could've happened to him where he would try lying to me?

I shake the thoughts from my head, laying down on my bed. Hopefully things would clear up tomorrow.

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