125: Stray Kids: Minsung

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"Minho!" Jisung screams, running through the streets of Korea. Sweat trailed down his forehead, his shirt damp from it.

People looked at him funny, but he didn't pat mind to it. His boyfriend had been kidnapped. He knew dating Minho had its perks and downfalls. Minho was a street racer. Illegally, of course. Now, his boyfriend was in deep shit because someone was a poor loser.

"Minho!" He yells again, his eyes darting around every dark corner.

Then he heard a gunshot and his heart stopped. Emotions built up in his throat, but he couldn't give up now. He had to find him.

He follows to where he heard the shot, begging and praying in his head that his lover was okay.

He came up to a tall building, going through the alleyway only to stop in his tracks. He heard crackling. Not like paper, but fire. Fire?

He darted to the back of the building, coming into a parking lot. There was Minho's car, fire building up around it. And there was Minho, motionless.

"M-Minho," Jisung tried shouting, but sobs poured their way out. He stumbled over to his boyfriend, standing a few feet away. He could only stare, panicking overcoming him.

From where he stood, Jisung could see blood. He didn't know where it was coming from, but it was there. "Minho... oh god," he gasped, his trembling hand coming up to cover his mouth.

He took another step forward, his heart clenching.

Pulse, Jisung. Pulse.

He drops to his knees, watching to see if his boyfriend was breathing. He couldn't see anything, so he stuck his finger under his nose, trying to feel the warm air.

There it was.

He pressed his fingers against his neck, feeling the slow heartbeat. "Oh, fucking hell... Minho," he shakes the boy, "Minho, please, please wake up. What do I do? Tell me what to do."

A slight groan comes from the elder, the sticky blood webbing up when he moved his head. "Minho? Minho, it's me, it's Jisung."


"Yes, baby, I'm here." Jisung looked over Minho's injuries, only spotting a heavy blood stain in his side. He lifted the shirt, watching blood drip out of a cut wound. It wasn't that bad. It wasn't deep. Just a cut, trying to show his boyfriend who he was messing with. He did have bruises and blood on his face, but they would be healed within a few weeks.

Nonetheless, Jisung put slight pressure on his more serious wound, needing the blood to stop or else they'd really be in trouble.

"Ow," Minho hisses, doing nothing to stop it. He was too sore to move by himself.

"I-I know, I'm sorry. We need to get you home. Can you stand?"

"How long have I been here?"

"I-I don't know, but we need to-"

"They came out of nowhere, Ji."

"Dammit, Minho, please!" Jisung sobbed out, his body weakening and slumping down. "We can talk at home," he sniffs, "okay? Come on, get up, please."

They both got up, Jisung practically carrying Minho on his back. It was a big struggle, but here they were, slowly getting out of the alleyway. Jisung didn't know what to do about the car, but he put it in the back of his mind to call Changbin later to help them.

People gave them weird looks when they were tripping over themselves. And probably because Minho looked really beat up. Luckily, their apartment wasn't that far from where they were.

When they got into the elevator of their building, they took deep breaths. Jisung was trying his best not to ask questions and not break down again. Minho was trying his best to stand on his own. He was feeling guilty enough after burdening his boyfriend with this shit.

When they got inside of their apartment, the younger dropped Minho on the couch, rushing to the bathroom. He sent a quick text to the group chat, informing them of what happened. Seungmin said he'd be there soon (he was their supposed medical assistance). Chan and Changbin would go check out the car and try to get it towed without questions. The others would be on their way of finding who did this.

Jisung came back with some supplies, wanting to at least clean up the small stuff before the youngest got there.

The younger didn't even warn the elder when he pressed a small alcohol pad to a cut. He was afraid that if he said anything with his shaky voice, Minho would try and focus on him instead. That's just who Minho was.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be," Jisung states, blowing cold air on the wound after wiping it. "You can't control who gets upset after a loss."

"I need to apologize anyway. It was a risky thing to do from the beginning. I... I need to stop. These people I race with, I don't even know. I just wanted to have fun, but it slowly turned into just for the money. I don't need to do it anymore. I don't want to do it anymore. We're not struggling, we don't need the extra money."

"If that's how you feel, then okay. Your apology is accepted. You're right, the money isn't needed. And it was a risky thing. An illegal thing. I don't know what I'd do if you were arrested. Please, Min," Jisung stops what he was doing to gaze into his lover's eyes, "I told you from the start that it wasn't a good idea. Please, just stop. This is only going to get worse. These people are getting more serious. You can't handle this. They are the kind to deal drugs and do this shit on the side to pick fights. I can't have you getting it on with one of them."

Minho nods, his head throbbing. "I'll stop. I promise you, I won't do it anymore. I'm sorry for even putting this on you. It wasn't right."

"It's okay. As long as you keep your promise."

"I will."

"Thank you. I love you a lot, Min."

"I love you, too."

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