70: Ateez: Seongjoong

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Hongjoong bounces around Seonghwa as the older continues his work. The younger groans loudly, grasping the brunette's shoulders and shaking him slightly.

"Hongjoong, stop it. Now," the older growls out, a headache already there from stress.

The redhead pouts, releasing the older and jumping on the couch. He knew his lover had work, but he hadn't been paying attention to him for the past few days. He had barely been paying attention to anything, not even his appetite.

"You need to stop working. Just for a bit, Seongie," Hongjoong argues, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Will you be quiet, Joong? Jesus, go do something. Quit bothering me!" Seonghwa yells, not even sparing a glance.

Hongjoong's heart practically breaks hearing the harsh words. He knows the other is stressed and he didn't mean it, but he can't help that he has a weak heart.

The younger stands and walks out of the room, going to their shared bedroom. He crawls on the bed, crossing his arms tightly as he holds in the tears.

He just wanted attention. He just wanted a glance. Maybe a quick peck. That would've been enough for him.

This isn't the first time it's happened. Every time Seonghwa gets a project to do, he gets all stressed out and shuts out everything. It wasn't healthy. He'd probably get more work done if he took small breaks and let his mind calm down for a minute.

Hongjoong jumps at the sigh released out of nowhere, sitting up straighter to look at the doorway. Seonghwa stands there with a knowing and guilty look planted on his face.

The shorter huffs, turning his gaze away while crossing his arms, "come here to yell at me?"

"I'm sorry, baby," the brunette says, coming forward and sitting next to his lover. "I know I should take a break. I know you want attention. You know how I am with these projects. I hate taking breaks."

"Well you need to start. You can't keep doing this. I understand that you're busy and you need to get it done, but look at yourself. You have bigger eye bags than San when he stayed up all night for the premiere of that one dumb movie. You haven't been eating the food I've been leaving for you. It's not good for you. And when I try to help, you yell at me."

Seonghwa nods, taking the younger's hand in his and playing with his fingers, "I know, I'm sorry. I'll take more breaks. This will be my first one. We can do whatever you want."

Hongjoong shrugs, "I just want to be with you. Are you tired? We can take a nap."

The older nods, pulling them down into a lying position, not bothering to pull the covers over them, "Let's just cuddle until we fall asleep. The project can wait until tomorrow."

"Thank you for taking a break."

"Thank you for being patient with my stubborn ass."

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