180: Stray Kids: Jisung Pt.2

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After they settle Jisung into bed, the three kind of stand around. They were all worried for their house maknae, wondering how a sudden panic attack could fall on him during the night.

The doorbell rings and the three make eye contact. Chan is the first to move, making his way toward the front door where the EMTs just walked out of.

The four of the other household are standing there, concerned expressions on their faces.

"Guys, what happened? Why was there an ambulance here? Where's Jisung?"

"He had a severe panic attack. He was breathing really hard, he couldn't focus on anything we were saying, and he almost passed out. He got a sedative, so he's sleeping right now."

"Oh, my god," Felix covers his mouth. "Did you call the manager? We have schedules tomorrow, but we really shouldn't leave him by himself, should we?"

"No. The EMT said to be with him for the first few hours when he wakes up. I personally think we should look after him all day, just in case. Changbin and I have a meeting tomorrow afternoon, but I can stay with Jisung for the morning."

"Hyunjin, Felix, and I have to meet with the choreographer. We won't be able to watch him at all," Minho sighs, crossing his arms.

"I can come home before you guys leave," Seungmin speaks up. "I have vocal lessons in the morning, but I think Jeongin can handle the rest on his own. Yeah, Innie?"

"Yeah, I can do that."

"Great. Sorry for scaring you guys. I didn't even think about calling."

"It's okay," Felix pats my shoulder. "As long as everyone is well and not dying."


Jisung's POV:

When I wake, my body is sore. My lungs feel tight, almost as if I had overworked them. God, what happened to me last night? I don't remember much, just that I was going to get water and then all the attention was on me.

I squeeze my eyes shut before finally opening them. It's bright out.


"Fuck! I'm late!" I shout to myself, figuring that my roommates had already left. Why wouldn't they wake me up?

As I hop out of bed, my vision fizzles out. I sway, falling back to sit on the bed. Oh, my god. Do I have low iron or something? I grasp my head, hearing my door open.

"Sung? You okay?"

"Yeah, just got dizzy."

"Do you remember what happened last night?"

The question makes me stop. Did something serious happen? Is that why I can't remember? I should be able to remember something serious.

"Not really, no."

I look up, seeing Chan sigh. He comes over and sits next to me. "You had a panic attack. We had to call an ambulance, but all they did was give you a sedative to calm you down and put you to sleep."

The news boggles my mind. A panic attack? What kind of panic attack calls for an ambulance? I've had them before. Did the guys just panic and call them?

"I don't understand, hyung. Why was an ambulance called? I've had attacks before."

"It was a severe one, apparently. We found you breathing really heavily in the hallway. You weren't understanding anything we were saying and you were, in general, incredibly disoriented. We were worried that you were going to pass out or something. Listen, we've helped with your previous attacks. This one was nothing like those. It was way worse.""

"Is that why I'm so sore and tired today? Because of the sedative?"

"Mostly. You're probably sore because your body got so tense and worked up."

"Yeah, my lungs hurt a lot."

"I'll get you some water. I'm putting you on bed rest for the next few hours. You shouldn't be walking around. Are you hungry?"

"Is that really necessary? I'm fine now, Chan."

"Yeah, but any minor stress or strain on your body could send you right back to last night. I really don't want that happening. It's just for today. The sedative needs to wear off and your body needs a small recovery period."

I sigh. "Okay. Where are the others? We had a meeting today. Are you going to skip it?"

"The others are at work. I'm going up to the company at noon, but Seungmin is coming back to keep an eye on you and help you out. You won't be alone for the day."


How was this?
A lot of people were asking for a part two, but I wasn't really sure on how to go about it•

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