77: Stray Kids: Binsung [Platonic]

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Everyone jumps when their friend slams his door, concern reaching their hearts. They all questioned each other to see who made him upset or if anyone knew anything. To no avail, the young singer hadn't been disturbed by any of the members.

Chan is first to knock on Jisung's door, opening it to see the rapper at his desk with his notebook. "Sung, is everything okay?"

"Yes, can you please get out now?" Han snaps, not even glancing at his leader and friend.

"Um, yeah. Yeah. Sorry."

Chan closes the door quietly, creeping back to the common area where everyone was at.

"What did he say?" Felix asks, worried about his best friend's behavior.

"He said everything was fine, but obviously it isn't. No one knows anything?" Their leader questions, wishing someone would fess up, but no one did.

"Maybe something happened with a fam-" Seungmin is cut off when Jisung comes into the room, walking straight past them to slide on his shoes.

"Where are you going?" Chan asks, not wanting the younger to do something reckless.

"The studio," is all he replies with, opening the door and softly shutting it behind him.

"Maybe one of us should check on him, see what's actually going on," Jeongin suggests, shrugging without thought.

"I'll give it a few until he can cool down for a bit, and then I'll do down and see," Changbin speaks up, his heart aching at the thought of his friend hurting.

Everyone agrees, despite Jisung clearly stating that he wanted to be alone. The minutes pass by, Changbin pulling on a mask and his shoes.

"I'll text you guys later. See ya."

"Good luck."


Changbin reaches the occupied studio room, peeking in the window to see what the younger was up to. All he could see was Jisung writing in a notebook before tearing out the page and crumpling it in a ball only to throw it at the wall.

The dark rapper knocks two times before entering the room, scaring Jisung.

When the two see each other, both look frightened. Jisung frightened because he didn't want anyone to see him at his weakest. Changbin frightened because of how big Han's eye bags were, along with the teary eyes.

The older's eyes soften, pulling a chair next to the speechless boy, "what's got you so upset?"

"I..." And that was it before his throat closed. He knew if he said more, he'd cry. He didn't want to cry. He wanted to finish his lyrics.

"What is it, kid?"

Jisung turned his head away, covering his face with his hand and curling in on himself.

Changbin grasped the younger's chair, swiveling it toward him and taking Han's hands in his, pulling them away from his face.

"Tell me, Ji."

Jisung left the tears fall silently, trying to gain the strength to tell his friend. His throat aches at how many sobs he held back.

His hands trembled in Changbin's grip, not planning on calming down any time soon.

"I-I just couldn't- couldn't finish the lyrics. I can't. They have me so frustrated. I can't sleep, I can't break away from it. I need to finish them, but I can't," he whimpers out.

Changbin shook his head, engulfing the younger in a hug, "oh Sung, you should've told me or Chan. We would've helped you."

"Y-yeah, but this is my song. These are my lyrics. I'm the one who's supposed to write them, who's supposed to finish them."

"You still could've asked for help. It's not bothersome if you do, and it's not a bad thing if you want to. I understand you want to do it yourself, but you need to take care of yourself first. We're gonna go back to the dorm, and you're going to take a nap, okay?"

Jisung nods, feeling the grip on him leave. He panics in the slightest, "Bin!"

The elder turns toward him, raising his eyebrows in question.

"Thanks, for, um, talking to me, hyung. I probably would've been stuck in here for the rest of the day if you hadn't come. So thank you."

The ravenette's eyes soften, "of course, Ji, I'll always be here for you."

•How was this?•

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