99: Stray Kids: Minsung

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"Minho!" Jisung cries, running into the elder's arms and making him stumble backward. The young one sobs into his boyfriend's arms, holding onto him tighter than ever before.

The elder was wordless, confusion setting in place. He wasn't sure what had happened, but he surely wasn't going to ask. Not in the state he was in.

Minho held the boy regardless, wanting to be there for him. He knew Jisung always felt alone. He's never known someone who felt so alone before. The brunette had told him he liked being alone, but not feeling alone. It terrified him, his worst fear. After that, Minho always made sure to reassure the boy he loved that he would never leave him alone. In person and in heart.

Jisung was struggling to breathe out, taking in sharp breaths only to have them forced back out. He poor kid was trembling so bad that his muscles were tensing and cramping up.

"Lovely, free the troubles from your head. Forget what happened. Breathe, baby. Sway with me and breathe. In and out. I'm right here to take care of you. I'm right here. You can feel me, you can feel my jacket. You can feel my warmth. Listen to my voice and forget your troubles. I'm right here."

The two lovers swayed right there, in the middle of the driveway out in the daytime. Cars were passing by, people were talking among them, the wind blew like it was trying to calm them.

Soon enough, after Minho whispered that, Jisung was taking in shaky breaths while the tears were slowly coming to a stop. Minho had broken through the barrier of his depression, breaking the pattern of the tears.

"That's it, baby cakes. Just like that. You're doing so well. Take in that fresh air. Maybe it's not the freshest, but it's just fine for now."

"Thank you," Jisung finally spoke, releasing his tight hold and unclenching Minho's jacket. "I'm sorry, I tried to keep calm until you got inside, but I couldn't take it. I couldn't."

"It's okay, sweetheart. I understand. Sometimes we need that person as soon as we see them in our sight. Let's get inside now and you can tell me what happened."


"Fuck..." Minho put his head in his hands as he listened to Jisung explain.

He was breathing in and out, clenching and unclenching his jaw. He could practically feel the smoke coming out of his ears. Veins were popping out of his neck at the fucking thought.

How could this happen? To his poor lover. Fucking hell, his Jisung. He wanted nothing but to kill the guy who touched him. He was glad Changbin was there, but fuck, did he want to beat the shit out of the guy.

"...a-and then my manager called the cops and had him arrested. Changbin took me home and I just waited until you got home.

It was silent after he finished speaking. Jisung could only stare at his boyfriend, unsure of what he was going to do. And Minho... he couldn't bare it. He wanted to cry himself. To know his boyfriend was hurt and he wasn't there to protect him. He knew it wasn't his fault he couldn't be there. It happened out of nowhere. But still... just picturing it...

Minho stood suddenly, not hesitating before walking out of the room. His fists were balled at his sides, his face red from every negative emotion hitting him simultaneously. He didn't want Jisung to see him like this.

"Minho...?" Jisung called, standing and following behind him.

The elder was trying his best to keep in his tears, entering their bedroom and sitting on the edge of their bed. He held his breath, biting his lip harshly.

"Min..?" Jisung set a gentle and ever so warm hand on the taller's shoulder.

Minho exploded into tears, blubbering apologies and covering his face with his hands. He looked exactly like how Jisung had, except expressing more guilt than anything.

"I'm so sorry. I-I should've been there. You should've called me! I'm so sorry!"

"Oh god, no, baby." Jisung pulled him into his arms, cradling his head. "No, no, no. It's not your fault. Please, there wasn't anything you could do-"

"I should've protected you better!" Minho shouted, his voice muffled by Jisung's shoulder.

"Honey, no, no. You couldn't have; you had no control of what happened. You were there for me, right when you got home. That's enough, that's so much more than enough. I'm safe now, we're safe. We're okay. It's all okay. I promise you. Please, Min, don't believe that you should've done better because you did all you could. You listened to me and held me when I needed it. Please, don't feel bad or guilty. It wasn't your fault. Just breathe, sunshine. It's all okay now, you're okay and I'm okay."

The elder just shakes his head, holding onto the brunette for dear life. He continued to say he was sorry, but only in his head. He felt like he had disappointed him so much. And here he was, crying over something that didn't happen to him. He should be the one holding him, but he wasn't. That made him feel extra guilty.

"Minho, look at me." After seconds of not listening, Jisung tore the boy from his grip, holding his cheeks in either hand.

They gazed into each other's eyes, both rimmed red and puffy. Though, only one still had tears flowing. Minho's breathing was heavy still, his warm airflow hitting Jisung's collar.

"Lee Minho, you couldn't have done anything. Your work is half an hour away from mine. I know in my heart that you would've absolutely killed the guy. He wouldn't have had a chance to lay a finger on me, alright? But you couldn't. And it's completely okay. You didn't even know. So please, listen to me. You were there for me when I couldn't bare to listen to anyone else. You were there for me so I could hold you. And you held me right back, not letting me go until I was ready. You talked to me until I could breathe again. You helped me breathe again. You broke through. I was crying even when Changbin was trying to calm me down. I didn't stop until you came home. And I am so grateful for you, okay? I love you so much. So please, don't feel guilty when you know you couldn't have stopped it. Do you understand me?"

Minho pouted, knowing his boyfriend was right. He nodded and hugged Jisung's waist again, pulling him closer than anyone could imagine.

"Let's take a bath. I never washed up. I feel really disgusting right now."

"Do you want your rubber ducky, Peter?"




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Nothin' like writing out your negative feelings because these characters are your comfort characters ✌🏽

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