165: Stray Kids: Danceracha

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TW: Sexual harassment and abuse


Troublemakers 🥰

what you do guys
want for dinner?
i'm getting out early :)
seen 8:39pm


Felix frowns at his phone. It's been two hours since he sent that message and his boyfriends never responded. They had seen it. Don't they realize he can see that? Were they purposefully trying to make him feel like shit?

It's been like that for the past month. Getting ignored was almost becoming a hobby to Felix. Sure, Minho and Hyunjin were starting to get busier at work, but that gave them no right to start ignoring him.

It hurt even more since the two worked together. Felix felt like the odd ball in their relationship, even though they had clearly established that they were equal. It didn't feel like that anymore, and the youngest was starting to listen to his intrusive thoughts.

Did they even want him anymore? No matter how hard he tried, they always seemed to put him off and be together. He was watching them through a window, almost. It hurt, a lot.


Hyunjin and Minho had been getting busier at work. There was supposedly a new shipment of drugs coming in, and they needed to find it. They didn't want it getting out to the wrong people. Yeah, they were in a gang. A bigger gang. I guess you could call it the mafia. Titles... so overrated.

The two didn't mean to be distancing from Felix. It was all unconscious. They were stressed out, getting scolded by their boss. They knew they'd pay the price if they didn't do this job well.


Felix goes into work, clocking in behind the register. He worked at a store, simple, but good money. An unfamiliar person was walking along another coworker, talking to them about god knows what.

"Felix! This is Johnny Ren. He's the new manager. I hope you will get along. If he needs help, please show him around."

Immediately, Felix bows. "Of course. It's nice to meet you, Mr.Ren. I'm sure it'll be nice working with you."

"Yes. I'm sure we'll get along just fine," the older gentleman smiles. It sent shivers down Felix's spine. He's not one to judge, but this man had something off about him.


As Felix checks over the new orders from the back, Johnny comes in. "Ah, Felix. Working hard, I see."

Felix gives him a smile, bowing. "Yes, sir."

"I wonder how you can work hard in different ways."

The hair on Felix's arm stands up. "What do you mean by that, sir?"

The man comes forward, forcing Felix to walk back until his body hits the wall. His breath escapes him, a slight fear raising out of him.

"You're a very beautiful boy, Felix," the man whispers, almost drooling at the sight.

"Sir, this is very unprofessional-"

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