53: Day6: Dopil

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Wonpil sits on the edge of the rooftop, swinging his legs off of the edge. He wasn't planning on jumping, of course not, he just needed to get out. He sighs to himself, fingernails scraping at the cement flooring.

The sound of a rusty metal door opening startled him into swinging his legs back over and standing up. He breathed out in relief, seeing as it was only Dowoon.

He sat back down, leaning back on his hands. The sunset shined brightly on his face, giving the effect of an orange, sparkly filter. It made him look angelic.

"You okay, hyung?" The younger questions, coming and sitting next to him with his legs crossed. The drummer looks over at Wonpil, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Are you?" The pianist turn his head to him, a smile nowhere to be seen.

Dowoon nods, gazing into his hyung's eyes. Though the filter effect was strong, his eyes still appeared to be dull. It worried him.

"Something on your mind?" Woon questions, hopeful that his friend would answer honestly.

"I just don't like being inside anymore. I feel stuck inside. I don't like it," the older responds, smiling though he wasn't happy.

"Piri, I love you," Dowoon states, hoping to change the aura around them.

And it worked.

Wonpil let's out a small giggle after smiling, "I love you, too, ya doof."

Seeing the older smile brought joy back into Dowoon's heart. He felt at ease when witnessing the change.

"Let's stay here a bit, yeah?" The drummer suggests, reaching out and intertwining their chilly fingers.

Wonpil nods, bringing Dowoon's hand up to his mouth and kissing it before placing it over his heart. "Let's."

How was this?•

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