98: Stray Kids: Jeongchan

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"Fuck!" Jeongin yells, throwing off his covers and quickly pulling on clothing.

8:37am. On a Monday of October. A school day.

He runs throughout his dorm room, gathering his homework and throwing on his shoes. He grabs a hat, not even bothering to mess with his hair.

He runs out of his dorm, clutching his bag tightly. He blinks quickly, his eyes still adjusting to the brightness.

Suddenly, he lets his bag fly into the air as hot liquid spills down his shirt.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" The girl exclaims, panicking and flailing her hands out, not knowing what to do.

"I-it's okay! Sorry, I gotta go, bye!" He yells, grabbing his bag off of the ground and pulls his color away from his neck, the coffee starting to cool down.

"Fuck, that burned," he growled to himself, his running coming to a jog as he got closer to his class.

As he turns the corner to go into the building, his feet get caught within one another and he falls to the ground, hitting his cheekbone hard against the tile.

He groans, trying his best to ignore the pain pulsing in his face. He opens the door to the room, but it hits against the back wall, creating a loud boom.

The students' and professor's head snap toward him, making him curl in on himself.

He quickly sits in the seat closest to the door and furthest away from the rest of the kids.

But as soon as he sits down, the professor says class is over and they can leave.

Jeongin's eye twitches. He puts his head in his hands, taking in deep breaths as he tries calming himself down.

"It's just another bad day. It's okay," he mumbles to himself.

He jumps when a hand lands on his shoulder, making him look up at the person.

"Are you okay, Jeongin?" Professor Bang questions, his face full of concern.

With a wobbly smile, Jeongin nods, "y-yeah."

"Okay... did you finish that assignment from last week? It's due today," Chan reminds, his eye widening when the younger bursts into tears.

The brunette tries to mutter out an apology, but all he gets is gibberish. Jeongin's shoulders shake as he hides his face in his arms.

Chan stands there, panic on his face.

"Jeongin, it's okay. You know I still accept late work. It's alright."

But it doesn't help.

Chan sighs, knowing his secret boyfriend wouldn't be calming down anytime soon. He shuts and locks the door, going back to the kid.

"Jeongin, baby, what happened?"

Jeongin shakes his head, wiping his face and sitting up. "I-I woke up late, so obviously I tried getting here as fast as I could. I ran into a girl and got coffee spilled all over me. And then I tripped and hit my face and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a bruise. A-and then I embarrassed myself by making a fucking grand entrance, and- and then I didn't even make it here on time! And I forgot my fucking homework!" He shouts, crying all over again.

Chan pulls him into his arms, rubbing his back gently, "it's okay, Innie. Listen, I'll take you out to lunch, okay? And then you can go back to your dorm and get cleaned up, and you can bring me your homework tonight, okay? You can stay in with me and we'll just watch some movies. You don't have any other classes today, do you?"

Jeongin shakes his head no.

"It's a plan then, alright? Come on, I'll carry your bag. Maybe you should get cleaned up first. I'll drop you off."

"Thanks hyung," the younger sniffles, pecking his cheek.

"Of course."

How was this?
This is written badly, but I kind of just wanted to write down the idea, so I didn't really pay attention to details•

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