2: BTS: Vkook

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"Nice shot, babe," Kook says to me, wrapping his arm around me. "We should head back to base, don't want Jin-hyung to start freaking out again."

I sigh, "I don't want to. It's always so strict and tense over there. I like being here with you."

"I know, I know. But we have to, we don't have much of a choice. Unless we want to die. Come on, it's only for the day," he says, planting a kiss on my flustered cheek. "We'll be out here again by tonight, don't worry."


"Oh shit, fuck, Tae. Get up, come on. Goddammit, Taehyung," the younger roars, sliding his hands underneath my body in order to pick me up.

Tears flood out of my eyes as my body bounces with every step Jungkook takes. All I can really think is, how fucking stupid can I be? Putting our lives at danger because I'm a fucking idiot.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I cry out as Jungkook kicks open the bases gate and runs inside, careful not to hit my body on the door.

He ignores my words, "Yoongi, Jimin, we need assistance on front gates. Jin, we need the medical box," my lover demands, setting me down on the table.

"What happened?" Seokjin questions, anger clear in his sight.

"He tripped down a hill and his arm got stuck in between pieces of metal," Jungkook explains, ripping off my long sleeve t-shirt.

"Shit, I told you guys to be careful," Jin says, pouring water on my damaged arm in order to clear out the blood so he could see.

The water stings, but not as much as the alcohol, which makes me squirm. Pained noises come from my throat and Jungkook holds me down, trying to keep me still and calm.

My breathing matches my heart rate, which is fast and uneven. My good hand finds its way to Kook's arm and squeezes, trying to keep the pain as low as possible.

"Breathe Tae, you're doing fine-"

My harsh movements interrupt him when Jin begins to pull out a long, thin piece of metal wire. Screams build up in my throat and my body starts to jerk so much that Jungkook has to call Hoseok over to hold me down.

Namjoon comes over as well, helping Jin and trashing the scraps and used towels.

Soon after, Jimin and Yoongi come back inside. Jin and Namjoon are cleaning up while Hoseok is talking to them. Jungkook carries me over to our bed that's stuffed in another room.

"Are you okay?" I ask, drowsiness coming over my mind.

"Are you kidding? I'm not the one who had half a foot of metal stuck in my arm. Of course I'm okay, are you?" He throws the question right back.

"Yeah... I'm really sorry. I couldn't see where I was going and-"

"You don't have to explain it to me, I'm just glad you're okay. I'm glad we made it back safely. I guess we're not going out at night as often anymore."

"We can still go out, just stay within the gates."

"You're right. But enough talking, you're exhausted. Go to sleep, I'll stay right here."

"Okay Kookie, goodnight," I respond, his arms wrapping around my torso and pulling me close.

"Goodnight, lovely."

•How was this?•

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