29: Stray Kids: Minsung

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Jisung opened Minho's front door, the elder trailing behind him. The smaller was embarrassed at what had happened at school. Minho didn't really mind what happened, but he was feeling a bit under the weather.

Minho slipped off his jacket, his arms moving a bit slower than Jisung.

"Baby boy, you don't have to be embarrassed," Minho said, sliding his hands onto the little one's waist. "I know you enjoyed it."

Jisung blushed madly, the shyness speaking for itself. The taller smiled, kissing his boyfriend's cheek. He held the boy there for a minute before he started to get lightheaded.

"Let's go upstairs," he mumbles, leaning on the younger a bit for support.

Jisung nodded and started walking forward, only to be knocked into the wall by Minho's unconscious body. He gasped, kneeling down by his lover's side.

"Minho! Min, oh my god, Minho, wake up. Oh my god," Jisung panics, his heart beating a million miles per minute.

Minho lays there, his body temperature rising while sweat began to build on his forehead. The older's breathing was quite small and light, which wasn't a very good sign. Jisung breathed heavily, putting his hand to Minho's forehead and ripping it off once he felt how hot he was.

Stumbling for his phone, he called Chan, the only person he could think of to help.

"Hey Sung-"

"Minho passed out and I don't know what to do and I don't know if he's okay or not and he's barely breathing and he's sweating and his temperature is really high-"

"Ji, breathe. I'll be on my way over. Are you at Minho's or your house?" Chris calmly questions, sounding like he was beginning to move.


"Okay, be there in ten. Put a cold, wet towel on his forehead and try to get him to somewhere that's comfortable."

"Okay, thank you," he says before he hangs up.


"Jesus, he has a fever. He just passed out like that?" Chris asks, kneeling next to Minho who was resting on the couch.

"Mhm, we were about to go upstairs and he fell into me. He was fine at school. He did start to look a bit pale, but I didn't think much of it. He did wake up for a good couple minutes before his eyes shut and he fell asleep," Jisung bit his lip, taking Minho's hand into his and rubbing it gently.

"His heart rate is really weak. Maybe he's dehydrated. Unless he wasn't getting enough oxygen to his brain or something," Chan says, scrolling through the article on his phone. "I don't know. I've never really looked up why people faint."

"I hope it's nothing serious. I think he's just sick. I hope it's just a fever and he just got really weak. I would hate for it to be something worse," Jisung says, brushing some hair out of his boyfriend's face.

"I would too. I have to go to work, Jisung. I'm really sorry to go. You should call Hyunjin. Someone to be here and that can drive if something else happens," the Aussie suggests, standing up with Jisung behind him as he walks to the door.

"Okay. Thank you for coming over. I-I didn't know what to do and you know how I handle panicked situations," Jisung chuckles nervously.

"Yeah, I know Ji. Text or call me if you need something. Otherwise, I think it'd be best if you called Hyunjin to come."

Jisung nods and waves goodbye as his friend drives off to work. Suddenly, he hears a weak moan from the couch. He jumps to Minho's side, checking to see if he was awake or not.

"Hey Min," he says softly when he sees his boyfriend's eyes open, "are you okay?"

"I feel so tired and weak," the older mumbles, his eyes closing for a few seconds before opening back up. "What happened?"

"You passed out when we were about to go upstairs. Had me really freaked out for a bit. Chan came over to see what was going on," Jisung explains, grasping Minho's hand like he had earlier.

"'M sorry. I wasn't feeling very good," the black-haired male responds, breathing out heavily with a soft inhale.

"Don't apologize, baby," Jisung let's his hand caress Minho's warm cheek, "just gives me a reason to take care of you for once."

"Mhm," Minho sighs out, his eyes slipping closed.

"Do you want some water? Or anything to eat? Chan said you might be dehydrated."

"'M too tired. Sleep wi' me, Sungie," the elder requests, trying to make space for Jisung.

Jisung smiles and shakes his head, "let me take you to the spare bedroom first and get you out of these sweaty clothes."

For as small as Jisung looked, he was pretty strong. He slid his hands underneath Minho's heated body and easily picked him up, careful not to drop him. He walked him down the hall to the first floor spare bedroom.

After convincing Minho to let Jisung go, the younger ran upstairs to get a t-shirt and shorts for the older to change into.

Finally, after he was changed and got comfortable, Jisung climbed into the bed and took over being the big spoon. Just for that night.

•How was this?•

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