76: Stray Kids: Jilix

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Jisung, Changbin, and Minho walk into the restaurant that Felix worked at. They wanted to surprise their friend and possibly take him out to lunch since he had been so stressed recently.

"Hi, seating three today?" A waitress greets them, a polite smile on her face.

"Uh, yes. Could we also talk to Felix, please?" Jisung responds confidentially, ignoring the two lovers behind him. He just wanted to see his own boyfriend

"Oh, of course. You can take a seat right over there, by the window. I'll go find him for you. I'll be a moment," she bows before walking away.

"Ugh, this place kind of reeks," Changbin shoves his nose in his shirt while looking around skeptically.

"That's probably your own breath wafting back into your face," Jisung replies, not mentioning how he agreed with the older's statement.

"Oh, shut up, rat."

"You little-"

"Guys, shut up," Minho interrupts, hating how the two always managed to bicker like some old married couple.

The three boys sat around for a few more minutes in the noisy restaurant until they heard a huge crash that grabbed their attention. Yelling erupted from the source and they all stood to see what was going on.

When they rounded a corner, Jisung's eyes widened and he felt anger slip through his fingers. There Felix was, on the ground, shakily and hurriedly picking broken plates up and stranded silverware. A coworker -with food rubbed over his shirt - was standing over him, yelling about how he was stupid and how he should be fired.

Felix looked like he was on the verge of tears. His face was flushed and his shaking was so visible from where the three guys were standing.

Jisung stomped right over, hearing Minho call his name but ignoring it, and got in the male's face.

"How dare you talk to him like that! Mistakes happen!" Jisung began, fire in his eyes.

"Jisung, stop it! I-it's okay!" Felix panics, dropping the plates and grabbing Jisung's arm (while still kneeling on the ground).

"No, it isn't," the other argues back, turning right toward the worker again, "you should be ashamed of yourself! Your mother would not be proud of you right now, yelling at an innocent coworker. I'm sure you make mistakes; would you really want someone yelling at you like that? Huh? Exactly. Go grab a fucking towel and help him clean this up. Do your damn job before you go around yelling at other people when you should have been paying attention as well!"

The worker nods quickly, having no words to say. He scurries off, embarrassed that he got told the truth. Jisung takes a deep breath, seeing people staring at him. He shakes it off, taking a knee next to his boyfriend.

"Are you okay?" He questions, grabbing cups and forks that fell out of Felix's reach.

"Y-yeah. You didn't have to do that. It was my fault," the younger admits, not making eye contact.

"I don't care. He shouldn't be yelling at you like that. I'm sure he's dropped a few plates himself while working somewhere."

Felix only nodded, still feeling the leftover anxiety. He just wanted to go home; he was majorly embarrassed.

"I-I'll go take this to the back. I'll just see you at home, okay?" The young boy suggested, wishing to be left alone.

"When do you get off tonight?"

"What time is it?"


"I get off at eight."

"Okay, the other two dimwits are back there. We'll wait for you, okay? Then we can go see a movie or something," Jisung smiles, wanting to kiss the obviously timid boy.

"Can we just go home? I really just want to lay down and cuddle," he pouts, standing up with the entire tray.

"Of course. I'll see you after. I love you, Lixie."

"I love you, too, Ji."

•How was this?•

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