163: Stray Kids: Chansung

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Chan pulls his mask up further, irritated at how many people were around him. He wanted one day to himself to find a fucking book instead of ordering it online. It wouldn't usually bother him, but recently, his family has been getting harassed by the fans. He wanted space away from these people because they were probably the ones doing the harassment. They obviously didn't know what boundaries were.

Meanwhile, Jisung was annoyed that people were in the store and they weren't looking for anything. He only had a few minutes until he had to get back to work at the restaurant across the street. He couldn't go after work because the bookstore would be closed. Therefore, that left him one option: go during his lunchbreak.

Unfortunately, there were people upon people blocking areas all around. He wasn't sure why, but flashes of cameras kept popping off. The flashes would blind him until he finally pushed his way through.

When he got through the crowd, there was a single person crouching down in front of the shelf. Jisung raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

"Excuse me."

"Please, no photos," the person waved him off, not even sparing a glance.

Jisung clenched his jaw. "I don't want a stupid picture. I just want to find a book, so if you could please move aside. Please and thank you."

Chan looks up, his ears burning bright. He stands, bowing in apology. "I'm sorry. These people have been around all day. They think I can't see them."

The younger huffs, "why are they taking photos?"

"I'm an idol."

"Oh. Okay. Well, I'm looking for a book."

"Right, sorry." The elder grabs the book he was looking at and moves away. Jisung's attention is caught when he sees the title of the book, realizing it was the one he was looking for. He quickly looks at the shelf, seeing no others in its place.

"Hey, wait," he jogs to the other. "I was actually looking for that book."

"Oh, there aren't any others?"


The two stand there, staring at one another awkwardly. Chan laughs after a minute, pulling the other over to somewhere where they wouldn't be seen.

"Hey, what are you-!"

"Shh, it's okay. We can exchange numbers. Once I'm done reading it, I'll send it to you."

"Aish, it's okay-"

"No, really. You can have it. I don't like rereading books, so keeping it after I'm done with it would be pointless."

"Fine. I'm only agreeing because I have five minutes until I need to be back at work."

The two exchange numbers, both of their faces flushed with embarrassment. How funny was it that they were looking for the exact same book? The predicament was a rare one, but something told the two that this wasn't over, even if Chan sent the book over.

How was this?•

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