182: Stray Kids: Hyunsung

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I breathe heavily as I swallow another shot of cherry-flavored vodka. Music pounded in my eardrum, making it throb with delight.

"All alone, hm?" Someone says behind me, making me roll my eyes. I turn to them, immediately swallowing my breath when I see who I'm looking at. Fuck, he's hot.

"Yeah, and?" Keep it up, Jisung. Maybe you'll embarrass yourself.

"Someone isn't having a very good night," he grins, waving over the bartender. "Two more shots, please."

He sits next to me, his hand brushing against my thigh for a split second. "What's your deal? Need a quick fuck or something?"

"Excuse me?" I frown, glaring into his pretty eyes. Red contacts? Weird. Why would he wear them in a bar at night?

"Why else would you be here? Unless you're just having a bad night. Need a stress reliever?"

I shake my head, fed up with idiots looking for sex. I just wanted to drink my sorrows away, not have to deal with people like this.

"Fine, fine, whatever. I'm actually not looking for sex. I'm looking for... something else."

"Oh, yeah? What would that be?"

"Nothing you should be worried about," he waves off, downing a shot when they're filled. "If you ever need something, call me."

He flicks out a card between his fingers. I just stare at it, bewildered by his boldness. Is this guy serious? Is he a prostitute?

He shrugs, dropping it on the counter in front of me. Before he leaves, he comes real close to my ear, whispering, "don't be shy, my prince."

Chills are sent down my spine. I almost didn't want him to leave. This is probably the most male attention I've gotten in awhile.

Could he be someone looking for a fuck buddy? Or could he be a dangerous no one looking for a quick kill? Ugh, I'd rather not think about the many possibilities.

I take a look in front of me, reading the card as best as I could. Hwang Hyunjin. Pretty name for a pretty face. I might have to see what's going on with him. Wouldn't hurt, would it?

You're dumb. He could be a murderer.


And you'll be killed??

Pft. Okay.


When I wake, it's hard to open my eyes. My back ached beneath me, showing that I hadn't slept in the best way.

"Fuck," I groan. I'm just happy I don't have a hangover. Those are the worst.

I sigh into my pillow, my skin getting hit by the sunlight leaking through my curtains. I stare at the material of my comforter, liking how it was plain, yet showed the soft side.

I grab my phone off of the nightstand, something falling off of it and onto the floor. I groan louder, reaching down to scrape it up.

It was his card. The guy from last night. Hyunjin.

Something didn't set right with me. The contacts bothered me a lot. Though it was dark in the bar, they were so vibrant. I've never seen those kinds of contacts before.

I set the card down, unlocking my phone. Same old, same old. Calls from my friends. Texts from my parents. Why couldn't they understand that I needed space? They had betrayed me. Lied to me. I loved them, but I couldn't deal with them right now.

I dial a number into my phone, biting my lip.


What are you doing, Jisung?

"Hey. It's the guy from last night. At the bar."

"Ah, my prince. How are you this morning?"

"Fine. What about you?"

Why are you still talking to him?

"I'm fantastic now that you've called. But I am curious, why did you call?"

"I..." Yeah, Jisung. Why did you call? "I'm not entirely sure," I laugh, the strain hurting my throat.

"Well, if you'd like, we can figure that out over breakfast. How's that sound?"

My heart jumps to my throat.

"Sure. Where at?"

"I'll pick you up. Text me your address."


He hangs up, leaving me to scramble out of my bed. Fuck. Why didn't I think this through? Because you never think. You're dumb.

I run to my bathroom, scrubbing myself down in the shower and stumbling out. I had no clue where this guy even lived, so how was I supposed to know when he'd be here?

I brush my teeth while I pull on jeans. Simple. Think simple and nice. It's not a big deal. Just breakfast with a fucking stranger who might or might not just want you for sex. It's fine. Everything is fine.

Supreme shirt. Black jeans. Boots. Perfect.

Oh my god, I'm literally so dramatic.

I blow dry my hair, just brushing it back as best as I can. See? It's fine.

My phone begins to ring, a random number pulled up. I should probably put his number into my phone.


"Hello," he grins. How can I tell that he's grinning over the phone? It's just his voice. "I'm downstairs waiting."

"Okay. I'll be right down," I cheerfully say back, face palming when I actually sounded dumb.

I grab my wallet and keys, locking my door behind me. The elevator takes forever to open and travel down, but it gives me time to prepare myself and give myself rules.

1. No sex.
2. Don't ask weird/personal questions
3. Don't mention the contacts
4. Maybe mention the contacts
5. Don't be dumb
6. Don't let him take you somewhere you don't know

The doors open and I go outside, seeing him sitting on the hood of his car. He stands when he sees me, his long sweater swinging behind him.

Okay, so he's rich, apparently. Whatever. I feel like I look like a hobo. ITS FINE.

"Hey," I smile, holding myself back when I notice the contacts again. Except they were brown this time, and looked like bad contacts. They were obviously fake. The red ones looked more real.

"Hey. Come on," he directs, waving me over. I follow him to the passenger side, surprised when he opens the door for me.

"Thank you.." I mumble, flustered.

"Of course, my prince."

I posted me writing this on tiktok to see how fast I could come up with a oneshot plot, but I didn't know where else to go with it lol use your imaginations. There won't be a part two for this chapter•

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