72: Ateez: Yungi

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Yunho sleepily scrolls through his Spotify playlist, hopping his head the the current song that was playing: Sunflower by Post Malone.

It was currently two in the morning, and he should've gone to bed earlier. Mingi had yet to come home; work ran long and even longer when his boss asked him to stay late.

The blonde stands from his bed, bringing along his phone playing the music, and walks to the kitchen. He looked as if he was drunk, but he wasn't. He was going to be, though. The sleepy male grabbed a small shot glass from the cupboard and a bottle of Soju from the fridge.

Mingi would be mad if he knew Yunho was drinking, since the older had such a low alcohol tolerance. Yunho didn't care though, he craved the warmth from the drink.

He poured the clear liquid to almost the top of the glass, setting the bottle on the counter before picking up the small glass and downing it. He cringed at first until the taste changed at the end to a sweeter flavor. The male could easily get past the bitter flavor after tasting the sweetness, so he continued to pour the drink until the bottle was half empty.

He was completely aware that it wasn't a good idea, but it tasted so sweet to him. He danced along to the music, even standing and swaying his hips.

Soon after he finished the next glass, he began to drool, his head spinning and his eyelids drooping. He scooted the bottle and cup away from him before he rested his head in his arms on the counter. With how out of it he was, he didn't know what comfort was. He just knew he was tired and he had to sleep right there.

An hour later, Mingi beeped in the front door code, stepping in and slipping off his shoes. His head shot up when he noticed the kitchen light on. He didn't bother taking his coat off. Walking quietly to the light, his eyes widened when he saw his lover laying there.

He steps lightly toward him, "Yunho?" He calls, confused as to why the older was sleeping there. But then, he noticed the bottle of half empty Soju.

He shakes the blonde awake, "did you drink this, babe?"

Yunho groans and mumbles out, "you're being too loud."

"Hey," Mingi hits the back of his head lightly, "you're an idiot. I can't believe you'd drink so much."

Yunho groans again, not making any intention to move from where he was. His lover decides to take it into his own hands and pick up his dumb boyfriend, struggling at first, and take him to their shared bedroom.

"Agh, what am I gonna do with you?"

How was this?
It was a bit more chunky. I'm not very proud of how it came out. I usually don't write like this, but I didn't have motivation to fix it•

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