179: Stray Kids: Jisung Pt.1

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As I sit up from my sleep, the world spins around me. Fuck, I feel like I've just been hit by a truck or maybe just spun around in a chair too long. I clutch my head, squeezing my eyes shut to make it stop. It doesn't help. I feel my body swaying, moving along with what my brain thinks is happening.

Water. Water helps a lot of things.

I squint my eyes open, my vision going sideways. Okay, nope. Eyes shut. I rip the blanket off of me, beginning to sweat underneath that single layer.

When I stand, I have to grasp the wall for support. I feel my way around, hoping I'm not making too much noise. All this dizziness is messing with my stomach, making me want to hurl. I can't. I just need water. I curse Chan for making me clean my room and take my water out. I also curse myself for not leaving a single bottle in there.

What I don't notice is my heavy breathing. It echos off of the walls. My heart beat is preventing me from noticing. It goes bum, bum, bum, bum, bum. It's so fast. Should I go back to the gym? I've barely walked anywhere. I'm so out of breath.

I stop in the middle of the hallway, the dizziness attacking me hard. Can I make it to the kitchen? Do I really need assistance? What is going on with me?

"Jisung, hey, what's wrong?"

Changbin is up. I woke him up. How stupid could I be? Why the fuck am I so loud?

"D-dizzy. I-I hear my heart. Wanted water."

The words are choking me, making it almost impossible to get out. Am I having a heart attack? There's a pain in my chest... what's going on? I can't breathe.

I hear Changbin yell something, but my head is spinning. There's white noise now in my ears, a loud ringing drowning everything out.

My knees are buckling. No- no, they're not. I'm being helped to the ground. Am I passing out? Is this what passing out feels like? I've never done this before. Gosh, it's so embarrassing.

"-isung, Jisung! Can you hear me?" Chan pats my cheek.

I look at him by squinting. "What?"

I'm suddenly so tired. What time is it? I just wanted some water. Why is everyone suddenly awake? Did I cause that?

"Hey, I need you to follow my instructions. Can you do that? Do you understand me?"

"What- what are you saying?" I slur. Why do I sound like that? My heart is beating faster. Is this how rats feel? Their heart beats so fast all the time.

"You need to control your breathing. You're going to pass out if you don't."

"Oh, okay?" I blink, raising my hand to my mouth. Wow, my breathing is fast. I can barely feel it on my hand. It's so shallow. Why is it like that? They need to call an ambulance.

"Breathe in for me and hold it."

I don't understand, but I do it. He does it with me, counting out loud. Changbin is on my left, grasping my hand. I've never noticed how soft his hands are. Hyunjin is kneeling in front of me, talking on the phone to someone. Is he talking to the police? Am I going to get help?

I close my eyes, a headache drilling into my brain. Chan hits my cheek again, shaking my head to try and make me look at him. I do.

"'m so tired."

"I know, Sung, I know. Hyunjin, tell them he's okay now. Are they still sending an ambulance? I don't think we need it."

"Hello? Yes, he's stable now. Chan, see if he can understand what you're saying. If he's too disoriented, they have to come."

"Jisung, look at me."

My vision enters slow mode, watching as Chan talks to me. His voice is so slow. It's like he's slowly being played on a record.

"Do you understand me?"

I giggle. He's talking funny. It's so weird. How is he doing that? Am I actually dying? Death doesn't seem too bad. It's quite funny.

"He's unresponsive."

Hyunjin nods his head, listening closely. Who's he talking to? I wonder if it's a nice lady.

"'Mgmf, Bin," I laugh, my eyelids drooping heavily. "You look s' funny."

"They're close. I'll let them in."

Hyunjin stands from his seat, rushing away. I frown, slowly turning my head to the other two. My stomach gurgles, aching in the most uncomfortable way.

My hand touches my mouth, indicating panic to the others. Changbin runs away, confusing me more. What's he doing? I burp wetly against my hand, whining at the smell and splash of vomit that hit the back of my throat.

"Hyung, they're here."

"He looks like he's about the throw up, but I'm not sure," Chan states, looking down at the men beside me. He sets the trashcan down.

They're touching me all over. Lifting parts of my head. Shining lights into my face. A sharp pain, like a bee sting, hits my arm. I look down, seeing a needle being pulled out.

"This should sedate him for the night. It's nothing serious. Severe panic attacks are more common than people realize. Does he have a history with anxiety?"

"Yes, he's on medication for it."

"I suggest you let him rest for the next day or so. Try leading him through breathing techniques. If he's unresponsive like this again, try holding his hand or rubbing his back or shoulder. Touch gives people a textured feel, soothing the brain. Hugging works too, but that depends entirely on the person. Make sure he drinks enough water, gets three solid meals, and doesn't overwork himself. Panic attacks can happen with or without a trigger. Try keeping the stress on him down or at least let him vent it out. That'll do some to help."

"Thank you so much. Should we stay with him until he wakes up?"

"You can, but he will be out for the rest of the night. I suggest you get your own rest while you can. Keep an eye on him, though. Don't let him walk around by himself for the first few hours after he wakes up."

"Okay. Thank you."

"Do you need help bringing him to his bed?"

"No, we got him. Hyunjin, you can show them out. Again, thank you so much, sirs."

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