154: Stray Kids: Seungmin

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"Shit, shit, shit. I'm late, I'm late," I rush around, grabbing my things.

I had a lesson at eight. It was seven fifty. The company was fifteen minutes away.

Changbin, Chan, and Minho were still sleeping. The other boys were at lessons or were working somewhere else. I wish they were louder in the mornings sometimes.

I go into the living room, searching for my shoes. Everyone was stressed over the comeback, so we hadn't had a chance to clean. It was incredibly messy, but for once, I didn't mind.

"Found you!" I whisper shout. The shoes were next to couch, hiding.

As I step to walk, I feel my feet slide from under me. Immediately, chills from fear run through my body. I gasp. All I see is the ceiling come into view.

Glass flies everywhere. Well, the glass that doesn't cut into my body. A whimper leaves my throat when I feel the pain. So much pain.

Panic hits me like a truck. The coffee table was no more as my body lay through it, face up. I was trembling harshly, and it hurt so bad.

I swallow my sobs, yet tears came out freely. I close my eyes, squeezing them tightly.

"Chan!" I scream, clenching my jaw. Don't panic. Don't panic. It'll make everything worse.

A sob pushes out. "Chan!" I scream again, crying loudly. "Changbin! Minho! Hyungs!" I tried holding in the sobs because they were shaking my body.

There was blood. A lot. I didn't want to make any more come out.

"Help!" I scream even louder, my anxiety building up.

Just then, Minho runs in. He gasps, paling at the sight of me. He sprints to my side, lifting his hands, yet unsure what to do.

"Oh, my god. I-I'll get Chan. Hold on."

He runs to get the others, leaving me alone once again. They're back quickly, though. I can't help but wonder how he said it.

Did he say it with panic in his voice? Did he say it calmly? Did he say I fell through the coffee table? Did he say someone got hurt?

"Seungmin, what..." Changbin breaths out, unsure how to go about it.

"I'm calling an ambulance right now. Try not to move," Chan directs, taking the lead as always.

I whimper, closing my eyes. Everything was throbbing so bad. I've never felt so much pain in my life. Why did this happen? Why did this have to happen? What did I do?

"Can you tell us what happened, Seung?" Minho asks calmly, sitting on his knees to be at my level.

I swallow thickly. "I-I was looking for my shoes. I was late to my lesson. They were by the couch, so I went to go over there, but I slipped. That's it. I-I slipped and fell right into it." Tears fall faster now, the fear of everything grasping into me.

"Oh, god..." He covers his mouth, astonished by how an accident can cause something so frightening.

"They're on their way. They said not to move him in case the glass hit any important spots. Do you want some water?"

I go to shake my head, but a sharp pain flies up the back. I groan softly, "no."

They all look at me with pity. It didn't make me feel anything. I just wanted to get out of here. I was too focused on the pain to think about anything else.

Blood was pooling around me. I've never seen so much before. In all honestly, it wasn't a lot. But as a person who isn't fond of it, it was.

I began to feel dizzy. "C-can I have water?"

"Yeah, I'll go get it," Changbin nods, rushing to the kitchen. He comes back, unsure how to give it to me. Minho takes it from him, unscrewing the cap and holding it up to my lips.

It enters my mouth, but I can't swallow. My eyes fall shut, and my head bows forwards Water falls out, landing on my lap, along with some saliva. I'm so tired. I shouldn't be so tired. I rested well.

"Seungmin? Hey, honey, you can't fall asleep," Minho says softly, reaching over and lifting my head. He brushes my cheek with his thumb.

I force my eyes open, blinking slowly. When I slightly shift, a cramp hits me in my left leg.

I shout, breathing in quickly. Everything tenses up. Some glass falls from my sudden flinch. The boys are ready to help whatever is wrong.

"What? What's wrong? What is it?" Chan asks, coming by my side.

"C-cramp. My leg. Fuck." I can't move. I can't deal with it. I want to move it so badly.

Chan reaches through the table, grabbing onto my calf, and massages it gently. It sends some relief, but not much. After some time, it begins to settle down. And I start sobbing.

"You're going to be okay, Seungminnie," Minho tries to comfort. He runs his hands through my hair, massaging my scalp because he didn't know where else he could soothe me.

I want to say, 'I know,' but I can't get it out.

A knock resides on the door, and Chan runs to get it. EMTs rush in, not exactly shocked by what they see. Minho stands up, backing to be next to the other two so he's not in the way.

"Hi, Seungmin. My name's Lia. Can you move your fingers for me real quick?"

I do, soreness hitting my veins.

"Can you do the same with your toes? We just want to make sure there's not spinal damage."

I do so easily. The flex makes the soreness from the cramp flame up.

"Thank you. We're going to check your vitals and make sure you're okay before we move you."

"Blood pressure a little high, but that's normal in this kind of situation. Alright, Seungmin. We're going to lift you now. We're going to lay you on your front so we don't push any of the glass further in."

When I look at the boys, they're quickly blurred by tears. The pain had begun to burn when they lifted me. I bite my lip.

The EMTs lay me on my side first, and then gently lay me on my front on the stretcher.

"Is someone going to ride with him? You can follow the ambulance to the hospital."

"I'll ride with him," Chan steps up. "Min, call he manager and get a car to get you. I'll let you know where we end up."


I lay in the bed on my stomach. The sheet was pulled over my bottom half while my upper half was wrapped in bandages. It was a relief to have no glass stabbing me and not laying in an uncomfortable position. I'm just lucky I didn't get badly hurt.

They said I have a bruised backbones, and that's why it hurt to move my head. The rest of it was cuts and bruises. They said the panic had gotten to me when I tried drinking the water. It wasn't anything to do with blood loss.

A knock resonates on the door. My eyes flicker over, seeing Chan and the other two comes in.

"Hey, Seung. How are you feeling?"

"Not much pain anymore. What did you tell the others? Where are they?"

"They're all back at the dorm. They didn't want to overwhelm you. Jisung said he'd come tomorrow morning with Minho. The other three will be there when you get released."


Minho comes around the bed, pulling up a chair. His hand is in my hair instantly. "I'm so glad you're okay, Seungmin."

I look at him, smiling. "I am too."

"I guess we're not getting any more glass coffee tables," Changbin jokes, trying to lighten the mood. Chan and Minho stare at him.

I chuckle, "I don't know, hyung. It did break my fall."

How was this?
So much angst about skz getting hurt, yet I can't get enough

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