128: Stray Kids: Minsung

791 44 17

TW: sexual assault

"Stop! Red!" Jisung yells for the second time, kicking his boyfriend off of him. He scrambles up, grabbing his clothes and running out of the room in a panic. He barely has his pants on when his boyfriend comes out.

"Baby, come on."

"Fuck you. We're done."

With that, Jisung leaves even though his bottom half was throbbing and his legs were weak. He throws on his shirt, glad he wasn't dumb enough to leave his wallet and phone.

He lets out soft sobs as he walks to a bus stop. He didn't know where he was. His now ex lived in a different city than him and he had always driven him home. He pulls out his phone, his vision blurred. He tried finding Seungmin's contact, clicking on whatever.


"Seung, I really need you to pick me up," he hiccups, another sob leaving him. "I-I don't know where I am. Kyung turned out to be an asshole. He ignored my safe word a-and everything just hurts. Please come quick."

"Send me your location. I'm on my way."

Jisung gasps when he hears the voice and holds his phone away from his face, staring at the contact name. The call ends before he could tell Minho that it was a mistake.

"Oh, fuck." That was the one moment that made him lose focus on crying. Calling his ex in clear distress. Maybe he was dumber than he thought.

The younger did as told, though, not forgetting that night was soon to come and he just needed to get home. He sat on the bus stop bench, hugging himself close.

It only took fifteen minutes until the familiar car pulled onto the side of the road. When Jisung didn't notice him, Minho parked it and came out.


Said boy's head popped up at the familiar voice. It made his heart clench. Tears welled in his eyes, making him squeeze them shut while he sobbed loudly.

"I said stop..." he whimpers, feeling arms go around him tightly.

"It's okay. I've got you now. We can go back to my place, okay? I'll get you all nice and warm, does that sound okay?"

Jisung nods, breathing in his scent. Oh, how he missed him so much. He tried really hard to focus on that instead of the soreness in his bottom.

Instead of asking, Minho swooped him up in his in arms, walking over to the passenger seat. He placed him down, jogging over to the driver's seat.

The drive was silent other than the radio that had been turned down. Jisung laid on the door, hugging himself tightly. He was still trembling, but he didn't know if it was from fear or the cold.

Minho reached over, lightly brushing his hand over the other's shoulder. He knew the younger could get in his head a lot, so he wanted to keep him grounded. Minho gently took Jisung's hand, pulling it down and interlocking their fingers. The action made Jisung look over curiously, but the elder didn't look back.

"We're here."

Jisung began to get out of the car by himself, but started to cry again when he felt the pain and was reminded of what happened. Minho ran over, picking him up bridal style.

"It's okay, sweetheart. I'm here. Look at me, please." He waited patiently until Jisung leaned back to make eye contact. "I'm here now. He won't hurt you anymore, I promise."

And all it took was his promise for Jisung to calm down. He trusted Minho with his entire heart. He never knew why they broke up. It was clear that they both loved each other.

The elder sets the boy down on the couch, kneeling in front of him and kissing the back of his hand. "Are you hungry or do you want to take a nice bath?"


"Okay. I'll get the water running. Wait here."


Minho stayed with him in the bathroom. They'd seen each other naked before, it was nothing new. He didn't want to mention the slight bruises on his arms until he knew the entire story.

"Lovely, can you tell me what happened?"

Jisung's eyes flicker between his ex's and his hands. He takes in a deep breath. "We... we were having sex, you know? A-and we have before. It's not something new. But this time, he got too rough. I said stop multiple times, but he didn't. I kicked him off of me and ran. He tried to get me to come back, acting like it was nothing, but I broke up with him and ran out till I got to the bus station."

"Shit, has he ever done this before? Has he ever hurt you outside of sex?"

The boy quickly shakes his head no. "He's never ignored my safe word before, but I know it was starting to frustrate him. And no, he's-" He stops himself, thinking back.

"What is it?"

"He- he's never hurt me physically. It was just a lot of degrading, I guess. Mental stuff."

"Did you just realize he hurt you or have you noticed it before?"

"I don't know. I remember sometimes feeling a bit hurt at something he said, but I thought I was overthinking it."

Minho sighs, brushing his fingertips over Jisung's cheeks, watching the younger's eyes flutter shut. "You didn't deserve that, baby."

The nickname caught his attention. Baby. He hated that nickname now. When Kyung said it, it was taunting, almost.

"Please, don't call me that. I-it's not you, it's him. He called me it when he was-"

"You don't have to explain, it's okay. I'm sorry for using it. I won't next time."

Next time?

"Next time?"

Minho flusters when he realizes his mistake. Or was it a mistake? "Um, yeah. I know now is really not the best time for this, but I was thinking we could hang out again. It's okay if you don't want to, though."

"No, I'd really like that. I've missed you."

The confession makes both of them smile, a clear message behind it.

"Anyway," Minho clears his throat. "Do you want to get out now? It's getting cold."

How was this?
I'm sorry•

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