73: Stray Kids: Chanlix [Platonic]

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"Goddammit Felix! When are you going learn!" Chan screamed at the younger, losing his calm facade for the first time.

"I-It was an accident!" Felix defended, scared out of his wits since he had never seen the older act this way, even when the members messed up badly.

The others had gathered around at the doorway of the room, shocked and confused at how their leader was acting. They wanted to say something, but they were all too scared.

"Like hell it was an accident! You know how the damn media is! I've told you so many fucking times to be careful about who you're with and what you say! Dammit!" The blonde screamed, acting on impulse and raising his fist, hitting the wall right next to Felix's head.

The young Aussie flinched so hard he hit the back of his head on the wall, dropping down to ball to protect himself. Tears had already made their way down his pale cheeks, soaking into his t-shirt.

Chan glanced at him, his anger finally deceasing after realizing what he had done.

"Felix, I'm-"

The younger scrambled to stand, pushing past the blonde to runaway. Thankfully, Hyunjin caught him into a hug and quickly brought him to a separate room to calm him down. Seungmin and Jeongin followed them, concerned for their friend.

"Fuck," Chan whispers, leaning on the wall while conversing his face in guilt.

The other boys just watched him, unsure what to do. Then Jisung stepped up, stalking toward him and gently setting a hand on his shoulder.

"Hyung, what happened?" He questioned in a soft tone, knowing Chan didn't act out like that normally.

"I don't know," the oldest whimpered, a flashback of Felix's frightened face appearing in his head. "I don't know."

Back in the other room, Felix was trembling and crying silently on Hyunjin's shoulder, feeling like he was a complete idiot. He had never been so scared of his leader, of his practical family.

He felt so dumb. He made his hyung mad because of his stupid acts. Why do I have to be so dumb? He thought to himself.

"Lixie, take a deep breath for me, okay?" Jeongin requested, stepping up to take care of his friend instead of just sitting there.

Felix nodded, ceasing his tears slowly before pulling back from Hyunjin and wiping his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry," he apologizes, embarrassed of showing his emotions like that.

"It's okay Lix, but can you tell us what happened?" Seungmin asks, rubbing the purple-haired male's knee.

Jisung sat Chan down on the bed, suppressing his own anger towards the leader. Changbin and Minho watched from afar what their friend had to say.

"I'm just so scared that a scandal is going to happen again and it'll ruin us. I love you guys so much, I love Stay so much, but I'm so scared that I'll lose everything. I don't know why I got so angry instead of talking it out with him. I shouldn't have yelled at him. God, I'm so stupid," he mumbles into his hands, leaning forward on his knees.

"Hey," Changbin frowns, going forward and crouching in front of his friend, "you're not stupid, okay? You're just worried, and your worry got out of hand. You really need to apologize to him. I don't think you understand how scary you are to us when you do get mad."

Chan nods, "I will, I just... don't know how. I remember seeing how scared he was, I feel awful about it."

"I'll get him," Minho said, "just start out with an apology, okay?"

Chan nods before Minho leaves, entering the other room with a knock. The four boys looks up at him, questioning what he needed.

"Felix," he calls, giving him a knowing look that made the younger look down uncomfortably. "He wants to apologize, please hear what he has to say. You know that he would never get that angry if it wasn't about something bigger."

The short one nods, standing up, "okay."

They both walk into the bedroom Chan was in, everyone leaving the two boys alone to talk it out.

Felix sits there, frightened as if he would say the wrong thing. Chan sat there, guilt eating away at him. The younger had made a good space between them, telling the older that he was still scared.

"I'm so sorry, Felix," he breaks the silence, "I'm so sorry. I should never have yelled at you, I'm so sorry. I'm just so scared to lose you guys. To lose everything. One wrong move could really damage everything. We've worked so hard, and we've dealt with hard stuff already. I love you all so much, I really do. I'm so sorry that I got angry with you. I'm so sorry, Felix."

Felix stays silent after Chan finishes, deciding on the right thing to say. He knows his leader has dealt with a lot, that his team has.

He scoots over, right next to him, and lays his head on his shoulder, hugging his hyung's arm, "I know, I forgive you. I'm sorry, too. I should've asked you first. I shouldn't have went out with her, even if it was just to the café."

"It's okay Lix, having friends that are female are hard to manage in our kind of work. Just be more careful next time. Thank you for accepting my apology. I really wasn't sure if you would even want to talk to me."

"I can't exactly stop talking to you forever, now can I?" Felix teases, more relaxed now that they've made up.

"I'd really hope not. You're my little Aussie bro, I wouldn't forgive myself if I made you hate me."

"You could never, hyung."

How was this?•

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