169: Stray Kids: Changlix

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"Lixie, come here," Changbin whispers, waving his small boyfriend over to come sit on his lap. The elder was beyond stressed with his company, so while he was on the phone, he thought having Felix with him would calm him down.

The young boy bounces over, sitting on the elders lap and staring at the computer. There were documents and emails, all of which he didn't understand. He sat still, letting his boyfriend back hug him and rub his sides.

"What do you mean you cancelled it! I told you we needed that shipped tonight! If those packages don't get here by tomorrow morning, you are fired!" Changbin screams into the phone, reaching over and furiously typing on the computer.

Felix flinched from the harshness in his tone, knowing it wasn't directed toward him, but unable to help the small fear in his chest. Changbin rarely got mad at the sensitive boy, and he knew he hated yelling. Yet in this moment, he didn't realize.

"I don't care what you have to do. Call the company, say you made a mistake. Just fix it!" Changbin slams his phone on the desk, making Felix jump.

The small movement makes Changbin come to terms with what just happened. It would have been different if Felix was just on the bed or in another room hearing him yell, but he was right in front of him.

"Lix..." The elder sighs, turning the boy to the side and seeing the slight tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry for shouting. I didn't mean to do it right in your ear and scare you."

"It's okay." Felix hugs back, sniffling softly. He cursed himself for being so sensitive to anger. It was something he grew up with. He never wanted to find someone who was angry all the time. Of course, Changbin wasn't. This was the first time in a long time that he yelled at his workers. He wasn't even angry, just frustrated.

Changbin rubs his back, kissing the side of his head. He saves his work, shutting the computer down. "Let's go watch a movie, hm?"


The elder carries Felix downstairs, placing him on the couch. He sits next to him, allowing the boy to crawl into his lap. He was just like a little puppy, so cute and pretty.

"You're my good boy, yeah?" Changbin tickles his sides, feeling relieved to hear the tiny giggles.

"Binnie, stop," Felix laughs, breathing in and out heavily once the other stops. "You're my good bunny too!"

How was this?•

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