141: Stray Kids: Felix

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"Guys, I'm up on the tank," I exclaim, talking to the camera. "This is so fun~"

I was at a rehearsal for Stray Kids' Kingdom performance. We were allowed to mess around for a bit, exploring the set and props. We'd be called down in a bit, so I had to explore as much as I could before then.

"It must be really fun to come up on the tank and dance on it on the stage." I set the camera on a lip, trying my best to make it stable. It wasn't working. Instead, I take the camera again, just stepping around the small lips on top.


I turn my head, not watching where I was going, and trip. A breath of air left me as I let go of the camera, feeling my legs hit against the side of the tank. Then there was nothing. For a moment, I couldn't think. The world around me rose as I fell.

A blossom of pain was the first thing that registered in my head. The air was knocked out of me, oh god. I try breathing, clenching my eyes shut. Oh my god, I fell. People around me were yelling. I blink, trying my best to listen.

"Felix, Felix, look at me." It was Chan; he was speaking in English. "Hey, just breathe. Staff called an ambulance. Are you okay? Can you understand me?"

I try to sit up, despite the burning pain, but someone else pushes me back to lay down. "Don't move. What hurts? What hurts?"

"Everything," I say, trying to catch my breath. Even breathing hurt like hell. Emotion rose in my throat, and I couldn't help but let it go. Tears trailed down my cheeks, staining them.

"You're going to be okay, baby. You're okay. Just take deep breaths. Help will be here soon."

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I tripped," I blubber out, trying to move my hands to cover my face, but unable to do to pain.

He wipes my tears away with his sleeve, hushing me. "Shh, no, it's okay. It was an accident."

"But- but what about the performance? What are we gonna do? Oh god, I'm so sorry."

"Hey, it's okay. All that matters right now is you. The ambulance is going to be here soon. We'll follow right behind you, okay? We'll be there with you."

"Stay with me, please, hyung," I beg, calming down a bit after he explained what was going to happened.

"I will. I promise. I'll be with you every moment, for as long as I can be." He goes to grasp my hand, but I let out a groan when he does. Everything hurts so bad. "Sorry, I'm sorry."

"Hey, move, move! Let us through," an EMT announces, having all the staff and members back up.

The men go around me, setting down a stretcher. They check my breathing and vitals  before putting their hands underneath me, lifting me as gently as they could. I let out a cry of pain, beginning to bawl harder than before.

I squeeze my eyes shut, clenching my jaw. This would be so embarrassing if I wasn't in so much pain. The men roll me out to the truck, lifting me inside. One stays in the back and one talks to my manager with Chan standing beside him.

Thankfully, they are both allowed on. Chan sat closest to my face, giving me sympathetic eyes. I look away, taking in deep breaths.

The EMT sitting with us begins to ask me questions, and Chan has to explain some of them to me because I couldn't understand a few. By the time he finished, we were at the hospital.

"I'll see you when they're finished getting you x-rayed, okay? You'll be okay," he tells me, stopping when the EMT said he couldn't go with me.


"You have a sprained wrist and mild concussion. You're very lucky your injuries weren't worse. You could've broken your arm, but you moved before it could be crushed. You may feel like your shoulder is sprained or something of the sort, but the bone is just bruised badly."

"So how long before I can perform? And when can I leave?"

"You can leave in a few hours, but I suggest not doing anything physical for at least two weeks, possibly up to ten. It depends on your pain levels. No heavy lifting. Your concussion could give you some trouble if you also decide to move too much, so try not to move too much for at least a week."

"I understand."

Two weeks to ten. Oh, god. Why am I so dumb? I shouldn't have gotten on top of it. Why did I do that?

"I'll have the nurse check in on you in an hour. She'll have your medication and give you your script for it. You can call her in with the button by your bed if you need anything."

"Thank you."

He walks out, his long, white coat trailing behind him. Tears well up as soon as he's gone. I bring up my hand to cover my face. It was embarrassing, even if no one was in the room.

A knock resonates on the door, and I was quick to wipe away the tears and pull myself together. The door swings open, revealing Chan and Changbin. Our manager must've been dealing with the doctor.

"Hey, Lix," Chan greets softly, coming over and pulling a chair up to the bed.

I muster up a smile, wondering if they could see that I cried. Maybe they think it was from earlier.

"How're you feeling?" Changbin questions, patting my leg. "You took a hard fall."

I bite my tongue, swallowing the lump in my throat. "Fine, just a headache and some pain here and there. Where are the others?"

"They're in the waiting room. They didn't want to go home, and the staff couldn't really make them."

I nod, looking down at the sheet that covered my lower half. I could feel a few bruises on my legs throbbing. That didn't overbear the hurt inside. I was so guilty.

"Are you okay, Lixie?" Changbin frowns, noticing my attitude change.

I cover my eyes, clenching my jaw. "I'm so sorry."

"What are you talking about?"

"I've ruined the performance. You guys are gonna have to perform it without me."

"Felix, you didn't ruin the performance. It was an accident. It's not your fault."

"I was the one who thought it was a good idea to get on top of that thing. I was the one who tripped. It is my fault."

"Everyone got on top of it. It wasn't just you. You just happened to trip and fall. You didn't do it on purpose. Stop blaming yourself. You were just having fun."

I bite my lip, still not feeling better. What if Chan fell off of it during the performance? He had to rush on top. He had to dance on it.

"Just please, be careful hyung," I whisper, glancing at him before setting my eyes back on my lap.

Chan grasps my hand, the good one. He interlocks our fingers, squeezing it tightly to reassure me. A soft smile makes its way on his face, and I try my best to return it.

"I will. I should've told you the same thing."

How was this?•

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