85: BTS: Namjoon

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The 26-year-old was currently sitting on the floor in front of his couch. His grey-colored cat nuzzled his knee before crawling into his lap, resting her head on Namjoon's arm. He patted her head, looking out the window.

Today was a dim day; it was foggy and raining, but Joon loved it. He played softer music in the background, just taking his time to breathe.

Everything with the others had gotten a bit stressful, all the interviews and their recent comeback. He hadn't had a chance to really relax at home.

So here he was, watching the drops clatter to the ground as clouds floated by. You ever wonder how clouds float? How gravity doesn't apply to them?

Namjoon shakes the random thoughts from his head, smiling to himself. He picks up Charlotte, hearing her meow. Holding her in his arms, he stands to straight his legs.

Charlotte meows once again, moving herself and slumping her body over his shoulder. He chuckles to himself, patting her back and walking to the kitchen.

His phone then rings, scaring the cat out of his arms. He looks at the caller ID before answering.


"Hey, Joonie," Seokjin greets, a smile present in his voice, "do you want anything from the store? I'm heading there now."

"No, I'm all good here. Thank you. Are you with one of the guys?"

"With Hoseok," the elder responds. "Are you sure you don't want anything?"

"I'm sure."

"Okay, I'll see you later then. Bye bye."

When Jin said later, Namjoon didn't expect him and Hobi twenty minutes later with a bag full of food and snacks.

"Sooooo I picked up some things for us and the guys are on their way. What's the movie genre for tonight?"

Namjoon stood there flabbergasted before breaking out into a huge grin, "anything you want, I don't mind."

God, he loved his friends so much.

How was this?•

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