142: Stray Kids: 3racha

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TW: Mentions of death


Outgoing Call: Channie ❤️🤺

"Hey lovely, on your way home?"

"I got into a car accident," I bluntly state, the shock of it not having worn off. How could it be worn? I was still in the fucking car.

"What? Are you okay? Where are you? Are you at the hospital? When did it happen?" His tone went from laid back and sweet to concerned and frantic. I don't blame him.

"It just happened." My voice shook. My breathing was ragged. Everything hurt, yet it didn't at the same time. "I'm still in the car."

"Where are you? Is an ambulance on it's way? Did you or someone call them?"

"I'm at the main intersection just before our street. I called them already. I just needed to let you know."

"How... are you okay? Are you hurt? Where did you get hit at?"

"Head on."

"Are you okay?"

"...I don't know. I-... a lot of things hurt, but it's hard to tell where the most pain is. I think I hit my head. I can't open one of my eyes. There's something on my face gluing it shut."

"I'm on my way. Just keep breathing, and do not start panicking. You're in shock right now, and your adrenaline is keeping you from feeling most of the pain."

"Okay." I close my eyes, setting my phone on my lap. The screen of it was shattered, but it wasn't as bad at my windshield. I couldn't even see out of it.

I breathe slowly, hearing my car sigh. Glass pieces twinkle, some even falling out. There's a continuous sizzle, as if the car was taking it's last breath.

I hope Jisung is alright. I don't know if Chan called him in the midst of the panic. He's in class right now, so I don't even know if he'd answer his phone.

My door is suddenly thrown open, and paramedics are at my side. They ask me questions, mostly to see if I had any brain trauma. Before they could pull me out, they had to cut my seat belt off and see if my legs had been crushed by the impact.

They tug me out, laying me on a stretcher and putting a neck brace on me. Right as they were carrying me toward the ambulance, I hear Chan's voice.

"Changbin! I'm here! I'm here!" He yells. I don't bother sitting up; I had straps to hold me down. "What- what hospital are you taking him to? I'm his only family close enough."

"Korean Red Cross Hospital. You can follow us back, and sit in the waiting area. Someone will come talk you later."

"Chan-" I gasp out, "don't worry, okay?" I reach out for his hand, feeling the slight touch of it before getting pulled away.


I'm laying flat in a white room. I just got X-rays and scans done. I had a fractured collarbone, a mild concussion, and a broken ankle. I was waiting for my boyfriends to show up. Would they both be allowed in? My question is almost answered when Chan walks in.

"How do I look?" I try to joke, my smile trembling.

"Changbin, oh my god." He bends down, giving me a hug to the best of his abilities. It didn't hurt too much to move anymore. They gave me pain medication.

As he's hugging me, that's when it hits me. Tears begin to roll down the sides of my head, and sobs shake my body.

"I could've died... oh my god," I sob, wanting to fully bury my face into his neck. "I'm so sorry. I don't want to leave you guys. Oh my god."

"It's okay," he whispers. "You're okay, you're alive. You're here. Jisung is on his way, okay? He's close. You're not going to leave us."

After my crying session, a nurse comes in to take my neck brace off. Since I didn't have spinal damage, I didn't really need it.

"What time is it?"

"It's almost six."

"Shit... I didn't realize how long it's been."

He just holds my hand, not saying anything. A few minutes later, Jisung peeks his head. As soon as he sees me, he starts crying. He comes over, leaning down to hug me.

"I'm okay," I say, kissing his cheek and rubbing his back.

"I know." His voice his muffled until he backs up, going over to hug Chan. "What happened?" Chan wipes his tears, taking care of him as he should. I wish I could do that.

"Someone hit me head on when I was on my way home. I honestly don't even know how it happened. I just remember seeing a green light and then my car was totaled."

"Gosh..." He couldn't say anything. What was there to say? Sorry that you got into an accident?

"How was class?" I question, closing my eyes because of a sudden headache from the lights.

"It... it was fine."

"Sorry that I pulled you out early. I thought you'd want to be here." Why was I apologizing? It wasn't even my fault.

"Why are you apologizing? Of course I'd want to be here. You- you were in a terrible accident."

"...yeah. I guess I was. Chan, do you have photos of the car? I want to see."

"Yeah," he sits up straight, grabbing his phone.

"How bad is it?"

He gives me a look. I swallow hard.

"Are you sure you want to see?"

"Yeah. Show Jisung too."

He shows Jisung first. The younger's eyes widen, and he looks over at me, almost wondering out loud, 'how are you still alive?'

Chan shuffles a bit, holding out his phone in front of my face. It's blurry for a second, but my eyes focus quickly.

The car was absolutely mangled. How could it be this bad when it was only a head on crash? A few more inches to the left, and I'd be dead.

"Okay." I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to look any longer. I came close to death. That's not an easy thing to handle. "Have you talked to the police about the other person? Are they alive?"

"Yeah, they're alive, but in the ICU. I only know that much. The doctors and policemen couldn't really tell me anything else."


Silence hits us hard. I was struggling with this. With almost dying. With almost leaving them.

"Hold my hands, please," I beg, lifting my arms for them to take. They do it instantly, their warmth guiding me to a calmer state.

"Thank you. Thank you for being here. I love you both so much."

How was this?•

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