35: Stray Kids: Jeongin

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As Talker watched, Changbin and I spoke to each other. We teased with mean comments, but nothing that would hurt us. Just playful bickering as usual.

His hand rested on my shoulder while my hand was playing with the skin on his neck, pinching it lightly and pulling on it.

"Ah cute~!" Changbin squealed out as I forced out a smile. They were normally forced in public. Nothing new nowadays.

Our hands dropped from each other's shoulder until I started playing with his neck flab again. Both of my hands rested against the side of his neck while his did the same to mine.

To anyone normal, it would've look like we were trying to choke each other, but it was just how we were. Very playful. He suddenly pinched the back of my neck a bit harsher, making me flinch and smile as I tried to put my head back. I giggled as he started talking in his abnormal baby voice.

But then something inside of me erupted. I felt the feeling in my arms fade to a numbness that was indescribably painful. My facial expression dropped and without realizing, my hands wrapped completely around his throat, beginning to squeeze.

He nervously laughed as my grip got tighter, and he tried to push me off but there was no success.

What the fuck. What the fuck. Oh my god.

Internally, I was panicking. I was fucking choking him! Externally, I couldn't control what I was doing.

"Jeongin!" He yelled, catching the attention of the others.

He stumbled back, pulling me with him. Tears began to trail down his cheeks as his air supply continued to be cut off.

"Jeongin! Stop it! You're killing him!" Jisung yelled, trying to pry my fingers off while Felix was trying to pull me away.

Finally, Chris was able to push us away from each other. Changbin fell into Jisung's arms, knocking them both down while I stood there, looking down at him.

The staff immediately rushed to his side, making sure he was breathing.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Seungmin yells, anger dripping from him once everyone's reassured Changbin is alive and okay.

I want to tell him so bad that that wasn't me. It wasn't. What happened? Why is it so loud, but the silence so painful? Why can't I control myself?

A wave of dizziness came over me as I continued to get asked questions by my members. A burning exploded in my chest, making me drop to my knees. It felt as if I couldn't even take a breath or release one.

"Jeongin! Jesus, get him some water!" Chan yelled to the staff, kneeling next to me with a hand rested on my back.

Abruptly, another switch flicked and my eyes met Jisung's. That was all I saw before my shoes gripped the floor and I jumped on the older.

He screamed and struggled while my nails dug into his throat, the place where it really hurt. My hands were moving on their own, moving up to grip his hair and slam his head into the floor while the other boys were panicking to get me off of him.

I don't know where the strength came from, but I couldn't focus on that while I watched myself kill my friend.

Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. STOP!

Arms wrapped around my body along with legs as Chris rolled me off of the other.

Now we had two unconscious people and six very angry, confused members.

"Minho, take Jisung to the aid room," Seungmin ordered. "What are we going to do with Jeongin?"

"I don't know," Chan replied, his grip on me not faltering.

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