6: Stray Kids: Seungin

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"They're just using you. They don't fucking care about you. You're weak," one of the older boys from Jeongin's school says, slapping the younger.

The slap leaves a large, slightly bleeding scratch since the bully was wearing rings. He had purposefully twisted them around so the gems were pointed outward with his palm.

The maknae hadn't said a word. He wasn't crying, he couldn't cry in front of them. Not unless he wanted to be beat worse. He tried to fight back, that only ended with him getting kneed in the jaw and pinned by his throat.

"Hey, Mr.Min's coming, let's go," the lookout boy said, tugging on his backpack that had fallen.

"See you tomorrow, loser," the tallest male said, spitting on the red-haired boy.

The bullies walked away, leaving the young idol to himself. Tears began spilling over but he picked himself up and started walking to the exit.

"Mr.Yang, where are you going?" The teacher, who was completely oblivious to the beating Jeongin had taken, questioned.

The boy didn't respond, instead, he sprinted to the exit. Slamming his shoulder into the door, he ran all the way to the halfway point of the school and his home. Alternatively, Jeongin went to the studio where their practice room was.

Throwing his bag to the floor, he set up his phone to the speaker and played, 'District 9.'

Taking off his school jacket, he practiced in the rest of his school uniform. He was too worked up to give a shit about what he wore to practice. His adrenaline was high and wasn't coming down anytime soon.

An hour passed by without him noticing. His phone had rung multiple times but he ignored it. Abruptly, the practice room door opened and he was tackled in a hug.

"Where the hell have you been?" Chan questioned angrily while Seungmin continued to hug him. "Your school called the manager and told him that you ran out of the building."

Jeongin stayed silent, only listening to his own rapid breaths while burying his head into Seungmin's shoulder.

"What happened, Jeongin-ssi?" Chris asks calmly, worry seeping in his voice.

"Channie-hyung," The maknae cries, "do you care about me? Do you think I'm weak?"

Chris was taken aback by the sudden question, making him wonder what happened to his brother at school, "of course I care about you. You're not weak, Jeongin. Who told you that?"

"No one-"

"It was those kids again, wasn't it?" Seungmin asks, pulling away far enough to see his boyfriend's face. "Jesus, what did they do to you?"

There were clear bruises and the scratch had swelled up a bit. His eyes were red and puffy, along with his splotchy face.

"Seungmin, n-no, it wasn't. I just-"

"Don't you lie to me, Yang Jeongin." Right now, Seungmin was pissed. Chan could feel the anger dripping off of the younger boy.

"What kids, Seungmin-ah?"

"They've bullied Jeongin before. Hyunjin got there in time to take Innie away before they started to get physical."

"Why didn't you guys tell us? We would've talked to the principle or something."

"You know damn well that, that doesn't do shit except make it worse," Seungmin replies, taking his boyfriend's hand and rubbing the back of it.

"Can we please just go home?" Jeongin sniffs, wiping away fresh tears.

"Yeah, we can," the leader answers, picking up the younger's backpack and hauling it out.

•How was this?•

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