69: Stray Kids: Changlix

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Felix sits at the lunch table with the others, leaning on his hand for support of his head. He was extremely tired; playing video games until an hour before he had to get ready for school was not a good idea. Especially on an exam day.

He dares to close his eyes for more than a second, his body growing heavier by the second. The voices around him began fading into nothing as his head grew hazy.

His hand had slipped from his chin, leaving him to gracefully slap the wood with his head. The loud thud and painful strike to the forehead wakes him up. He rubs his forehead, ignoring the snickers and teases from his friends.

"Did you stay up again with Jisung?" Changbin questions, almost annoyed.

"Pft, I totally didn't. Right, Ji- oh, dammit." Felix turned to his best friend, but he was already snuggled into Minho's chest like a koala, sleeping. The Aussie huffs, "yeah, maybe."

Changbin rolls his eyes, wrapping a warm arm around his boyfriend. "Go ahead, we still have an hour until the next exam. Get your sleep while you can, my idiot love."

"Not my fault games are so addicting," Felix mumbles, getting comfortable under the heat.

"It technically is your-"

"Shhhhhhhh," he interrupts, placing a finger over his significant other's mouth. "Goodnight."

"It's still like eleven in the morning, Felix."

How was this?•

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