78: Stray Kids: Minsung

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Minho sits in his home office room, working on some papers he had to finish for his boss. Jisung was out in the living room, he thought, probably finding something to make for dinner.

The orange-haired male types along his keyboard, writing out an email. He was procrastinating a lot of paperwork. Emails were easier to take care of.

He jumped when a knock on the door resonated through the room. Nonetheless, he let his lover come in for whatever he needed.

Jisung stood in the doorway, clearly upset by something, but staring blankly ahead.

Minho raises a brow, "babe, are you okay?"

The said male looks toward him, his expression not changing. He walks forward, grabbing the elder's hand tightly and pulling him out of his chair. He leads him to their room, sitting him on the edge of the bed.

"Angel, what's going on?"

Jisung says nothing, instead, straddling his boyfriend's lap and tucking himself away in his chest. That's when Minho felt it, the trembling.

He didn't hesitate to wrap him arms around his love. He was curious as to what made the other so upset, but he wasn't going to press. He knew Jisung needed a safe space, and he knew he needed to be that space.

He felt his shirt dampen near his collar bone, but he continued to whisper reassuring poem-like words into his ear.

"It'll be okay."

"Just breathe."

"I'm here, angel."

"Let it out."

"I'm right here with you."

"You're gonna get through this, my love."

"I'm so happy you're with me."

"You could never be a bother."

"I'm always here when you need me."

"I'm not leaving, baby."

"You're not alone."

"I love you."

And so forth. Minho continued for what felt like hours, rocking him side to side. But it was only an hour, at most.

Jisung snakes his arms around the older's torso, stretching them from their scrunched position. It was relieving.


"Don't be sorry, lovely. It happens, but I'm always here. I'm not going anywhere."

The brunette nods, lifting his head up only enough to place it in the crook of Minho's neck. He breathed in shakily, pressing a gentle kiss to the honey skin.

"Are you tired now, sweetheart?" The younger nods, his eyes droopy and his head heavy.

Minho stands slowly, grasping his thighs and walking over to Jisung's side of the bed. He gently lays him down, smooching his puffy cheeks.

"Take a little nap, okay? Don't worry about dinner or anything, we can call in. I still have some work, but I'll come in as soon as I'm finished, alright?"

Jisung nods, still not having said a word.

"I love you to the black hole and back. Sweet dreams, lovely."

•How was this?
I wrote this just to calm myself down from a stressful 3 months. I hope you all are doing somewhat okay and are getting through the days•

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