120: Stray Kids: Chanlix

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Felix comes into the house, slamming the door behind him and taking off his shoes. He mutters swears under his breath, eyes burning holes into everything he looked at.

"Felix? What's wrong, peach?" Chan questions, worriedly coming to his lover's side.

"Nothing. Nothing," he breathes out, running a hand through his hair. "I'm taking a shower."

He begins to walk away, but is pulled back by his wrist. "What happened?"

Felix's heart beats fast as he remembers his day. It was awful. Someone confessed to him. His boss got pissed off at him. Someone almost hit him on his way home. Just a bad day.

"Nothing. I'm taking a shower."

"Felix," Chan hisses out, hating when his boyfriend held everything in. "Tell me."

"What the fuck do you want me to tell you, Chan? I broke someone's fucking heart? Huh? Or how about me almost getting fucking fired because my boss doesn't know what the fuck he's doing! Or how about me almost getting killed in an accident because people don't know how to fucking drive over here? Is that what you want to hear?!" He breathes heavily, tears stinging his eyes.


The younger narrows his eyes. "You're a fucking asshole. Just leave me alone."

"Hey," Chan growls, "don't talk to me like that."

"Don't force me to tell you about my feelings then. You're not my fucking mom."

"Lee Felix, you better calm your ass down before-"

"Before what? Huh? I already told you, leave me alone." He began to stomp away, only making it to the bedroom before he was pushed up against a wall. "Hey!"

"Felix," Chan demands. "To calm down, do you really need to be fu-"

"Stop. Just stop," he whimpers, being overwhelmed by everything going wrong. It was all his fault. He slides down the wall slowly, wrapping his arms around his knees that were pulled to his chest.

Chan kneels down and pulls Felix into his arms, squeezing him tightly. Soon enough, the boy started to cry out of frustration. He clenched his fist, trembling harshly.

"That's it, little one, let it out. I'm here."

"I'm sorry!" He chokes out, crocodile tears slipping down his reddened cheeks when he lifted his head. "It's been a bad day..."

"I know it has, lovely, but you see what happens when you hold everything in? You explode. I can't have you doing that anymore. You need to talk to me or someone." Chan lifts his finger, wiping away the continuous tears that left Felix's eyes.

"It's hard," he cries out. "I don't want to annoy you with my stupid issues. I just want to come home and relax."

"You wouldn't annoy me, you could never. I've told you that you need to vent it out. It wouldn't annoy me in the least, baby. I'm asking you to tell me about your day. It's okay to talk to me, I promise."

"You promise?" The younger looks at his boyfriend, anxiety punishing him inside his head.

"I promise, peach."

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