62: Stray Kids: Chanlix

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Felix's POV:

My hands loosen around the steering wheel as my eyes begin to droop for the fifth time in twenty minutes. I was still about ten minutes away from home, and I was determined to make it there.

That is, until my mind went hazy and the truck horns and flashing lights in front of me startled me awake. I swerved back into my lane, my heart pounding rapidly.

I pull off to the side, knowing I was still tired and an accident could occur if I didn't take a break. A little nap wouldn't hurt. I'm sure Chan had already gone to bed; he usually waits up for me, but he falls asleep easily, too.

I turn off the car, laying my seat back. Hopefully, I wouldn't get in trouble with the police or anything for sitting here. It was on a road that not many people drove by. More of a backroad than a main one.

Closing my eyes, I let myself drift off, not thinking to text Chan about how I'd be late. I just needed a small nap, then I'd be on my way.


I was shaken from my sleep by a powerful truck that had driven by. It was still dark out, so I look at my phone... I had slept for about five hours and there were multiple messages and calls from my boyfriend.

Before I could even begin to reply, my phone shut off. A decent amount of curse words left my mouth, my body adrenaline rising as I started my car and drove faster than normal.

Getting out, I uneasily walk to the front door, unlocking it with my key. As I place my coat on the coat rack, a lamp popped on, scaring me.

"Where have you been, Lee Felix?" Chan's booming voice growls, panic settling in my stomach.

Without taking notice, tears welled up in my eyes when I looked at him.

"I'm sorry."

He stood up in alarm, hurrying over to hug me.

"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be so late. I fell asleep at the wheel, and I almost got into a-an accident, so I pulled off the road for a quick nap, b-but I didn't realize I slept for so long. I'm so so sorry, please don't be mad. I was just so tired," I cried, holding onto him for dear life.

I couldn't help but sob at the thought of dying. Of never being able to see Chan again. And the thought of him being mad at me. It was an accident. It was just an accident.

I hear him sigh, "I'm not mad, you just had me really worried Lix. I didn't know what happened. I wasn't sure if you were okay or if you were cheating on me or something. I just wish you could've texted me to come get you. I'm glad you decided to pull off the road instead of continue to drive, though. That was very smart of you, kitten."

"I-I could never cheat on you, Channie. I'm sorry. It won't happen again, and if I do get tired, I'll be sure to call you. My phone died, so I tried to hurry back as soon as possible," I whisper, clinging onto him like a koala. He was so warm and made me feel so safe.

"It's okay. Please, be more careful. Let's go to bed now, I'm sure you're tired."

Without asking, he tells me to jump before I wrap my legs around his torso and he holds me by my thighs. We go into the bedroom where he gently sets me down and goes to his side of the bed.

"Channie?" I whisper as he pulls me close into his chest.

"Yeah, baby?"

"I'm still really sorry. I was so scared.
Wh-when the truck lights flashed in my face, I panicked so hard. I got really dizzy and I was just so scared. I'm so so sorry."

"Oh peach," he says, pressing a kiss to the top of my head, "you're okay now. I've got you."

How was this?•

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