58: Ateez: Woosan

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"God, San, you do nothing but disappointment me. Get out of my house and don't come back until you can straighten up," my dads growls at me as my mom sits in her chair saying nothing.

My bottom lip quivers, but I run up the stairs anyway. I grab my school bag, shoving clothes in it and my basic necessities. As I run back down the stairs, I could hear my younger sister questioning my dad, but I knew he would lie to her.

I shut the front door behind me, scurrying quickly down the sidewalk. It was dark out, and I needed to get somewhere soon.

After about ten minutes of walking, I come across Wooyoung's house. I run up the driveway, ringing his doorbell. I tried composing myself when he opened the door with a confused face, but when I tried to explain why I was there, only sobs left my mouth.

He quickly embraced me, forcing my cries to be muffled when my face was shoved into his shoulder. I couldn't think clearly about the situation. I couldn't think clearly at all. Sadness continued pouring out of all, nothing Wooyoung was saying or doing helped.

I was such a disappointment.

"Baby, please," he whispers, massaging my neck, "please breathe. Take a deep breath for me and calm down."

I tried, I really tried.

I took in a deep breath, feeling my body start to calm only to release another sob, "I can't!"

I hear him sigh, "Sannie love, you're okay with me, alright? You're safe. I really need you to calm down and tell me what happened. In and out, baby, just breathe. I'm here."

I nod, forcing my shoulders and jaw to relax. A small whimper exits my throat when I calm down. He pulls away from the hug, motioning us to sit on the porch swing since his parents were asleep inside.

"Okay love, can you tell me what happened?" His words were laced with soft concern. I almost wanted to start crying again.

I sniffle, wiping my face with my sweatshirt sleeve and looking down at my trembling hands, "m-my dad, I-I told my dad. A-about me not wanting to take over the family business. H-he got really a-angry. He basically kicked me out. Called me a disappointment. He actually- he actually almost hit me, too. But I ducked and he missed. A-and I didn't know what to do, s-so I came here."

"Oh peach," he sighs, bringing me into another hug; this time with less crying. "I'm so sorry. You can definitely stay here as long as you need. Gosh, San, I'm sorry."

I shrug, taking in his scent, "It's okay. Thank you, Woo, I really don't know what I'd do without you. Thank you."

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