51: Stray Kids: Minsung

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Screams erupt from my throat, me being half awake and half asleep. My arms felt like they were being pinned against the mattress. I was kicking, trying to get away.


I jumped awake, heaving in breaths. I felt someone cradle me to their chest.

"It's okay, baby, you're okay."


I force my eyes open, not daring to fall asleep again. I hated sleeping. I hated it so much.

"T-turn on the light, please," I whisper.

He reaches over, clicking the warm lamp on. The warmth from it was enough to calm me completely.

"Are you okay?" He questions in his usual honey tone. "Nightmare?"

"Yeah, I'm- I'm fine. I'm just done with sleep right now. Let's watch a movie."

"Love, you need to sleep. You have work," Minho says, trying to convince me to go back to bed. It never works.

"I don't care," I say, reaching for the television remote. I turn on Netflix, turning the volume to a nice low sound. I put on Finding Nemo, wanting something to cheer me up.

Quickly checking my phone, it see that it's only 3:04am. Fuck. Why couldn't it have been around six?

"Love, I'm here. You don't have to be scared," he assures, still trying to get me to sleep.

"Yeah, well, what's going to happen when you're not here?" I snap, not explaining further.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He retaliates.

I look away, not wanting him to know what's been on my mind, "nothing. Just nothing."

•How was this?•

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