15: Stray Kids: Jisung vs Hyunjin

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"You did it wrong again!" Hyunjin argues, walking up to a frustrated Jisung, "why do you keep screwing up? You're messing us up!"

"Guys-" Chan tried to interrupt, not wanting his members to fight like they had in the past.

"It's not like your perfect, Hyunjin. You've screwed up multiple times but I don't say shit to you because mistakes happen!" Jisung hisses back, stepping up to the elder and clenching his fists.

"At least I know how to fix my fucking mistakes unlike you!" Hyunjin screams, pushing Jisung harshly into the wall.

"Enough!" Chan yells, pushing the two apart gently, "we don't have time for this. When someone makes a mistake, help them fix it. Don't be jerks and argue about it."

"Whatever," Hyunjin huffs, slamming through the practice room exit and walking down to the restroom.

Hyunjin was frustrated. He just wanted to go to bed, he was tired. Tired of everyone and everything. He knew that learning the dance was important but he didn't even try to understand Jisung's point of view.

Everyone looks towards the door and then back at Jisung who was starting to cry of resentment. He always had trouble with the choreography. It wasn't an easy thing and he always tried his best, even coming in early and staying late in order to get a small chunk down.


"Don't," the young boy said, pushing Minho's hand away and storming out of the room.

Chris sighed, rubbing the back of his neck in disappointment. He thought that the two friends had gotten this over with in the past. Something had to of happened to at least one of them to make them act this way.

"Jesus," the leader spoke, rubbing his temples. "Alright, let's take a break," he said before going out of the room to find one of the two.

He found Jisung first since he had only walked away a few seconds ago. Jisung was leaning against a wall while having his legs pulled close to his chest. His body was trembling from crying.

"Jisung," Chan called, crouching next to him.

"Why does he have to do this, Chan?" Jisung suddenly looked up at the leader, "I work my ass off everyday. We all do. It was a simple mistake that I could easily fix with help. But no, of course, Hwang Hyunjin, the perfect prince, has to cause a scene and make me feel like I'm a complete fuck up. I thought we were past the fights. God, I just want to go home."

Chris wasn't sure what to say because he didn't know why Hyunjin was acting like this. Instead, he just brought the younger into his arms and hugged him until he was sure that he wasn't crying anymore.

"I don't know why Hyunjin-ssi is being like this, but you're not a fuck up. You're doing just fine. I'll be glad to help you with the rest of the choreo. You could even ask Minho. Come on, go back to the practice room. I'm going to find Hyunjin and talk to him."

Jisung nodded and stood up, thanking his hyung before walking back inside the room. The younger was immediately given attention by Minho and Felix, them wanting to make sure he was okay.

Chan walked off in search of the angry dancer. After about two minutes, he entered the bathroom so see Hyunjin standing over the sink with water dripping down his chin.


"I don't want to talk. Leave me alone," Hyunjin snapped, making Chan raise his eyes brows in surprise.

"What happened?" Chan continued, ignoring how the younger wanted to be alone. "You don't just start yelling at someone because of a simple mistake like that. So what happened before?"

"I said I don't want to talk about it, Chan! Do you not understand what I said?! Leave!" Hyunjin yelled, starting to get aggressive again.

"I'm not going anywhere until you calm down," Chan crossed his arms, starting to get irritated but bit his tongue.

"Fine, stay here then. I'm leaving," Hyunjin responded, walking towards the door but was stopped when Chan grabbed his upper arm.

Hyunjin sighed, letting himself become calm. He turned himself towards Chan and let his eyes fall to the floor. He was disappointed in himself that he had let his personal issues get in the way of his career and his friendships.

"What happened, Hyunjinnie?" Chris questioned, worried about the sudden change in aura.

"My parents and I got into a fight. They hate that I'm not in college right now. They hate how I'm singing for my career. They hate everything. I've disappointed them so much already, I just want them to be proud. I want to show them something to be proud of," the taller explained, having more disappointed energy than sad energy.

Chan softened, pulling the boy into his arms, "don't worry, Hyunjin, we'll show them something to be proud of. And if they aren't proud of you, just know that I am. The rest of the guys are proud of you. Hell, Jinyoung is proud of you," he chuckles.

Hyunjin smiles lightly, thankful for Chan's words, "thank you. I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"I don't think I'm the one you should be apologizing to," Chan responds, hinting at an apology for Jisung.

The brunette nods guiltily, opening the door and walking down to their practice room. He opens the door with Chris behind him. Everyone turns to look at him, which makes him avoid eye contact with them.

"Jisung, can I talk to you?" He questions, looking up to see Jisung's response.

Jisung nods, standing up from where he was with Felix to walk into the hallway. Chan leaves them and shuts the door behind him.

"So what happened?" Seungmin asks.

"What happens to a lot of other people who are looking to be idols; their parents."

Seungmin nods, as does everyone else. They all mostly had their own battles with their parents. It wasn't something new.

Back out into the hallway, the two quickly made up and hugged it out. When it came to parents, everyone understood.

•How was this?•

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