25: Stray Kids: Minsung

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"Fuck! Fuck everything!" Jisung screams, grasping the edge of the bookshelf and pulling it down. The corner of it cuts his leg but he seems to not even notice as he continues to wreck his apartment.

"Fuck life! Fuck this bullshit!" His face is red and hot with built up pressure.

He's breathing heavily as he throws a vase full of water and beautiful orange flowers into a wall, where the glass explodes as soon as it touches the wood. Tears had begun to drip down his face while his lungs were burning with pain.

He stumbles over to his cupboard and tries to get a glass of water but ends up dropping the cup. He falls onto his hands and knees, a stinging sensation growing in his palms when he lands on the glass of the broken cup.

"Han Jisung! Open the door!" He hears a panicked voice yell.

He hears banging on the door before a crash erupts in his living room. He continues sobbing, trying to move off of the glass.

"Baby, I'm here. I'm here. What's wrong? What happened?" Minho grasps him tightly, trying to make sure he wouldn't go into a panic attack, if he wasn't already in one.

"I-I... I spilled my coffee!" Jisung cries, sobbing even harder into Minho's neck.

Minho immediately was confused by this. He trashed his apartment because he spilled his coffee? He held onto his lover either way, sure that there might've been more to the story. He had never seen Jisung like this. They would always get into deep talks and he knew that Jisung had family issues but he'd never seen him even cry.

"I broke, Minho. I can't take it anymore. I held everything in for too long. I can't take it anymore," the younger sobs, holding onto Minho tightly.

Minho didn't say anything, he just let his boyfriend cry it all out. He knew he needed this.

Once Jisung had just started sniffling, Minho pulled away, making Jisung's hands slide down. That's when he saw the blood.

"Jesus, your hands- oh my god! Your leg! What happened??" Minho exclaimed, standing up and rushing them both to the bathroom (carrying Jisung).

"I-I knocked my bookshelf down and I guess I was standing too close because the corner got me. And... I dropped a glass of water. That's where the cuts came from," Jisung said, ashamed of how he had acted.

"Baby, why did you hold it in? Why didn't you just talk to me or Felix or someone?" Minho questioned, cleaning his leg wound first.

"That's just how I deal with things," Jisung mumbles, turning his head away.

"That's not how you should deal with things," Minho answers, placing a bandage on him,

The older them searches the cabinets for tweezers and finds them after a few seconds.

"Hold out your hands," he orders, knowing that his boyfriend was having difficulty with his words. "I know you don't like crying in front of people. Never have I seen you cry until now. We've been together for over a year. I know you don't like showing your pain. You hid your hospital bills from me. I know you don't want me to worry. I will always worry about you. Even if you're perfectly fine. But because of this incident, we can't keep secrets anymore. Not any secrets like the ones you've hidden. You need to let your emotions free. I want to help you. I want to care for you. I want to love you. You need to let me do that, okay? You need to talk to me," Minho rants, stopping what he was doing to look up at his boyfriend, "okay?"

Jisung nods, "okay," he speaks with a saddened voice, "okay, I will."

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