71: Stray Kids: Chanlix

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"Little peach?" Chan calls, peeking in the bedroom to see if Felix had needed anything.

Felix hugs his pillow close to his chest, his tears dry by now. He hums to answer his lover, staring off into the messy, white sheets.

"Do you need anything, lovely? Water? Maybe some take-out?" The elder suggests, hoping to get him to at least drink something.

Felix lays there awhile, deciding if he needed anything. He was kind of tired of being alone right then. He sits up slowly, rubbing his eyes. His pink hair stuck up in different ways, completing his messy look.

"Some water, please Channie," he mumbles out, pulling his pillow out on his lap and folding himself over it.

The brunette Aussie nods, jogging toward the kitchen to get a cold glass of water. He quickly came back, sitting down on the bed and hanging over the cup. He watches the smaller sip the liquid before setting it down on the nightstand.

"Anything else, sweets?"

"Cuddles?" The younger questions, looking up at Chan with big, slightly teary eyes.

"Of course," He agrees, going to the other side the bed and crawling under the comforter.

He knew the younger was going a tough time since his dog had passed the day before. It was always rough when a pet died. Some people would tell him he was overreacting, but his pets were everything to him. Luckily, he had Chan by his side since the news reached him.

At first, he had been reluctant in sharing his feelings on the matter. He had been upset, of course, but he forced everything back until Chan had asked if he was okay. Then he broke.

"Thank you for being here with me," Felix whispers, snuggling into the older's chest.

"Always and forever, peach."

•How was this?•

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