Hinata passes out.

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Nationals are coming up, and Hinata hasn't slept in almost a week. After what the Shiritorizawa coach told him, he started to think about it. He really is nothing without Kageyama. Without Kageyama, Hinata is benched. Suga would be setting, and with Suga, he's just a spiker, who's bad. Whenever Hinata tries to sleep, he only thinks about those things. After the third night of not sleeping, Hinata just gave up. 

Hinata made sure not to spend the night at Kageyama's cause he knows Kageyama would force him to sleep, and then Hinata would have a nightmare, and then Kageyama would know. Hinata did not want that. 

Kageyama was getting worried. Hinata at least spends the night at his house once a week, and the week was almost over. He also noticed how tired Hinata looked during the school days, so he knew something was up. 


Hinata sighs as he looks at the time. "No sleep, again," Hinata sighs and gets out of bed. He rubs his eyes and soon gets ready for the day. 

When Hinata leaves his house, he takes his time getting to school. It was so tiring getting there on his bike. When Hinata gets to where he and Kageyama meet up, he sighs when he sees Kageyama. He quickly puts on a smile and waves. "Hey Yama," Hinata smiles. 

"Hi," Kageyama says. Hinata gets off his bike and the two walk towards the school. "You look tired," Kageyama says. 

"Oh yeah, Natsu kept me up last night," Hinata chuckles. 

"Oh, are you gonna need to sit out of practice?" Kageyama asks. 

"No, why would I? I've pulled all-nighters before school before; I should be fine," Hinata says. Kageyama just rolls his eyes, and the two keep walking. 


During practice, Hinata's jumps weren't as high as normal. However, no one really cared since they knew Hinata has to ride his bike all the to school. Kageyama ignored as well, knowing if the same thing happens in the next practice, he'll bring it up. 

"Kageyama," Hinata smiles as the two leave the clubroom. He grabs Kageyama's hand and smiles. Kageyama smiles back but noticed the bags under Hinata's eyes. 

"You should sleep during lunch," Kageyama says. 

"Why would I do that?" Hinata asks. 

"You just look really tired," Kageyama says. 

"I'm fine," Hinata says. "I gotta get to class, Yama," Hinata says before running off. Kageyama watches Hinata and sighs before he walks to his own classroom.


Hinata groans as he walks out of his classroom during lunch. Usually, he felt dead at this time, but he would just have to get through it like he has been doing. He walks up to where Kageyama and him have been meeting for lunch; he smiles when he sees Kageyama. "Hi Yama," Hinata smiles before kissing Kageyama's cheek. 

Kageyama smiles, and he looks at Hinata. "You look even more tired than this morning. Are you sure you don't need a nap?" Kageyama asks. 

"Yeah, Kageyama, I'm fine," Hinata says before he leans his head on Kageyama's shoulder. "You don't need to worry," Hinata lies. 

Kageyama sighs and soon starts to eat his lunch. "You gonna spend the night tonight?" Kageyama asks. 

"I have to watch Natsu again, I can't," Hinata pouts. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now