Kageyama wants cuddles. Karasuno team

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There at a training camp. This one is gonna be a little shorter than my other ones. I just wanted to make this. 

Hinata yawned as he woke up. He sat up and looks around the room to see his teammates all up, well expect for Kageyama. 

"I see your finally up," Suga smiles. 

"We don't have to be ready until like 12," Daichi says. Hinata just nods as he yawns, he looks down and smiles at his boyfriend.

"Kageyama," Hinata mumbles poking Kageyama. Kageyama groaned and turns to face Hinata. 

"Cuddles," Kageyama mumbles in his cute little baby voice he uses for Hinata. Hinata chuckles at this not noticing the team glance over at him. "Give me cuddles," Kageyama says still using the voice. Hinata giggles and Kageyama hugs Hinata's waist. "Love you," Kageyama smiles as he uses the voice again. 

The team heard the whole thing, Tanaka and Noya were on the verge of laughing, Tsukishima was smirking, Daichi and Suga thought it was adorable, while the rest just kinda ignored them. 

Soon though Tanaka and Noya broke out into laughter making Kageyama quickly realize where they were. He shot up quickly and glanced around the room. His quickly filled with a light blush and slowly hid under the blanket. The team chuckled but soon went back to talking.

Hinata laughs at this and hugs Kageyama's blanketed body. "I love your baby voice," Hinata mumbles. Kageyama doesn't respond. Hinata pouts as he starts to lift the blanket. "Kageyama," Hinata whines. Kageyama soon though quickly pulled Hinata under the blanket and hugged him. Hinata giggles and hugs Kageyama. "Love you," Hinata smiles in his own baby voice. 

"Love you too," Kageyama mumbles in his baby voice again. 


"Come on Kageyama, set better," Tanaka jokes in a baby voice. Tsukishima smirks a little and snickers. 

"Shut up please," Kageyama mumbles. 

"But we wove you," Tanaka laughs making Kageyama glare. Hinata giggles at all this but he quickly shut up when Kageyama glared at him. 

I just wanted to make this so. jahdjahdhajhj. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now