Insecure Hinata. Karasuno ships.

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Basically there's a story called hot or not on AO3 and I wanted to make my own version so. yeah. 

Basically girls at the school make a list of the hottest Karasuno players to the least hot. 

"What are we gonna do since we don't have practice today?" Hinata asks as he and Kageyama walk into school. 

"Suga and Daichi were thinking of everyone study," Kageyama says. Hinata smiles and leans his head on Kageyama's shoulder. 

"I hope it goes by fast, I just wanna go to your house and cuddle," Hinata says. 

As the day goes on Hinata notices girls staring at Kageyama. He glares at some girls and others just kissed Kageyama or hugs his arm. Kageyama didn't notice at all, the thing he did notice was girls staring at Hinata. Which of course made the black-haired boy jealous.


"I just wanna go home," Hinata whines.

"Shush, we have to study, or else we'll fail and won't be able to play volleyball," Kageyama says while dragging Hinata to the club room. Hinata pouts and soon starts to walk to the clubroom. 

When the two walked into the clubroom they noticed everyone looking at a piece of paper. "What's that?" Hinata asks. Everyone looks up at Hinata and Tanaka quickly hid the paper. 

"Nothing," Tanaka says. Hinata looks at them confused but soon just ignores it. He and Kageyama sit down and pull out there school stuff. 

"Alright, Ennoshita take care of Tanaka and Noya," Daichi says and everyone scatters into there own group. Hinata glances over and notices the paper just laying on the floor. He looks around and sees no one is looking so he snatches it up and starts to read it. 

Karasuno Volleyball. Hottest to least hot. 

1. Kageyama. Too hot for this world

2. Suga. Way to pretty

3. Daichi. I wanna call him daddy so bad

4. Yamaguchi. He's so adorable I wanna hug him 

5. Kinoshita. He is very pretty to me

6. Noya. Adorable kinda loud

7. Tanaka. Don't like baldies but he's nice

8. Ennoshita. Needs a better hair cut

9. Narita. Again don't like baldies

10. Asahi. He's scary

11. Tsukishima. Even scarier

12. Hinata. Annoying, god I hate him, he's too energetic, to short, way too skinny, only talks about volleyball, and he's way too ugly to date Kageyama. 

As Hinata reads this the team quickly noticed and their eyes go wide. "How the hell did Kageyama get first," Hinata mumbles. Kageyama confused of course looks at it and starts to read it. His eyes go wide at the last part and he sighs. Hinata was a slow reader so it took him a second to get to the bottom. When he reads it he pouts a little and sets the paper down. "Ok," Hinata mumbles before he goes back to studying. 

"Are you ok?" Suga asks. 

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be," Hinata smiles. "I don't like girls so I don't care," Hinata chuckles before going back to studying. Everyone smiles at this knowing their sun was perfectly fine. 

But boy were they wrong. 


The next day Hinata didn't talk as much as he did. He was a little quieter too. When people asked what was wrong Hinata would just say he wasn't feeling too good. Everyone believed it except one person. Hinata's boyfriend. Kageyama knew Hinata more than anyone and he knew when Hinata wasn't feeling good. Hinata would get all whiney and would just want cuddles, even at school he would want cuddles. But today Hinata barely stood near Kageyama. 

Practice was interesting. Hinata acted like he was ok, he didn't talk at all and practice was bad. Hinata would say he wasn't feeling the best and Kageyama would just snicker. Soon enough Ukai just ended practice cause of how much of a train wreck it was. 


"We're going to my house," Kageyama says. 

"I can't, I have to get home," Hinata mumbles. 

"I wasn't asking," Kageyama says and grabs Hinata's wrist. He drags Hinata out of the clubroom and out of the school. 

"K-Kageyama!!" Hinata yells. "My bike," Hinata whines. 

"You can get it tomorrow," Kageyama mumbles. Hinata tries to make it harder for Kageyama to drag him but all Kageyama did was throw Hinata over his shoulder. 

Hinata pouts struggling as he tries to punch Kageyama's back. "Let me down!!" Hinata yells. This goes on until Hinata just gave up.


"What's wrong?" Kageyama asks as he throws Hinata on his bed. 

"Nothing's wrong," Hinata mumbles. 

"Your lying," Kageyama sighs and sits down. "Is it cause of that stupid note, you know those people are wrong," Kageyama says. 

"I-It's not that," Hinata stutters. Kageyama looks at Hinata and sighs. 

"Yeah, it is," Kageyama says and opens his arms for Hinata. 

Hinata's eyes start to water and he soon jumps into Kageyama's arms. Hinata sobs into Kageyama's shoulder and hugs him tightly. "They're not wrong though, I'm way too skinny, too short, and way too annoying," Hinata cries. 

"No your not," Kageyama says. 

"Yes I am," Hinata yells and moves his head away. "Everyone says it, kids at school, other volleyball teams, even parents," Hinata cries. Kageyama quickly grabbed Hinata's face and made him look at him. 

"You are not, anyone who says it is stupid, the kids at our school only hate you cause were dating, volleyball people are trying to get under your skin, and parents are idiots," Kageyama says wiping away Hinata's tears. 

"B-But," Hinata stutters. 

"Shush, you are a perfect height, and your not too skinny, if you were I would be forcing you to eat, your not annoying, if you were I wouldn't be dating you, you know me if someone is annoying I either hate them or shove them out of my life," Kageyama smiles. 

"Like Tsukishima?" Hinata asks. 

"Yeah, like Tsukishima," Kageyama chuckles making Hinata giggles. "Now I hope tomorrow you are your loud self tomorrow cause I missed it," Kageyama smiles. Hinata smiles a little and looks down. 

"They were right about one thing, you're to good for me," Hinata smiles and lays his chin on Kageyama's shoulder. 

"Your not wrong," Kageyama jokes making Hinata laugh. 

A quick little story about Hinata being insecure. I'll make another one if you guys want. 

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