Kageyama misses Hinata

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Hinata is in Brazil and Kageyama is sad. 

Kageyama sighs as he hugs a pillow. He scrolls through Instagram not really paying attention until he saw a picture of Hinata and Oikawa. Kageyama smiles at Hinata and his eyes start to water. "Damn It," Kageyama mumbles before covering his face. He missed him a lot. He wished Hinata didn't go, he wished Hinata was here hugging him so he wouldn't have to be crying over him right now. His phone soon went off and Kageyama wiped his eyes before picking his phone up. He smiles as Hinata's name was on his screen. "Hey, Hinata," Kageyama smiles as he answers. 

"Hey, Kageyama, what are you doing?" Hinata asks. 

"Just laying in bed," Kageyama mumbles. "You?" Kageyama asks. 

"I just bought a plane ticket for next month," Hinata smiles. 

"A month," Kageyama mumbles his eyes watering. 

"Yeah, why, you don't wanna see me?" Hinata asks. 

"No," Kageyama sighs before covering his eyes with one hand. "I-I just really miss you," Kageyama says. "Can you come home sooner?" Kageyama asks. 

"I can't Tobio," Hinata says. 

That's when Kageyama started to cry harder. "I miss you so much," Kageyama cries. 

Hinata's heartbreak a little and he tries his best not to cry as well. "I miss you too," Hinata says. 

"It's been so hard without," Kageyama cries. "I miss you so much, please come back," Kageyama says. "I really wanna cuddle with you, it's hard not playing with you," Kageyama cries tears coming down his face faster. 

Hinata starts to cry a little and he sighs. "I really miss you too, I wish I could, I swear, but I still have a few weeks left until beach volleyball is over," Hinata sighs. 

"Can I come visit, please, I really miss you," Kageyama says. "It's been rough, I miss seeing your smile, I just wanna see it again," Kageyama mumbles. "I just wanna hold you again," Kageyama says. 

"Tobio, you know you can't you have volleyball," Hinata says. "I really miss you to though," Hinata smiles. 

"I'll skip, please," Kageyama cries. 

"Tobio you know you can't," Hinata mumbles wiping his eyes. "I would let you if you didn't have volleyball," Hinata says. Kageyama lets out a sob and Hinata starts to cry harder. "Please Kageyama, I know it's hard, I miss you too, so much," Hinata cries. The two just sit there in silence before Kageyama speaks. 

"Can you tell me how your day went, I just need to listen to your voice," Kageyama says wiping his eyes. 

Hinata smiles and soon starts to talk about his day. 

When Hinata was done he had to go, so they said there I love you's and Hinata hung up. Kageyama that night cried himself to sleep. 


Kageyama sighs as they finish up practice. He and Ushijima leave the gym but run into Bokuto and Atsumu. "Hey, you guys ready to get your asses kicked in 2 weeks?" Atsumu asks. 

"Um sorry it's us who's doing the ass-kicking," Ushijima says. 

"Ushi buddy, you sure about that?" Bokuto asks. 

As the three start to talk Kageyama is zoning out. Soon though Kageyama snapped his head up and looked behind him. "TOBIO!!" Hinata yells running to him. Kageyama smiles as he sees Hinata. He walks towards Hinata and Hinata jumps into his arms. Kageyama felt tears come to eyes so he quickly hid his face in Hinata's shoulder. Hinata smiles a this and soon grabs Kageyama's face. "I missed you too," Hinata smiles wiping away Kageyama's tears. 

"What are you doing here?" Kageyama asks. 

"I came to visit," Hinata smiles. "Hearing you cry hurt too much so I just decided to show up," Hinata says. Kageyama smiles and he soon hid his face in Hinata's shoulder again. "Hey guys," Hinata smiles and waves at the three boys staring at them. 

Ushijima waves back and Atsumu and Bokuto look like there about to laugh. "Kageyama's crying," Bokuto mumbles soon breaking into laughter. 

"I know, it's weird," Atsumu laughs. 

"You guys are mean," Hinata says. "I can't believe I have to play with you guys," Hinata sighs. "Can we go back to your place?" Hinata asks. 

Kageyama quickly nods and walks towards the exit. 

After that day, Atsumu and Bokuto told everyone they saw Kageyama cry, but of course, no one believed them until Ushijima said he did, and then after that no one let Kageyama live it down. 

More will be coming out tomorrow. 

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